Mockery RPG

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Found in the morning Jan. 15th, 2008 @ 02:23 pm
Left all over every notice board, especially the ones outside the Great Hall, and stuck with a sticking charm to a lot of the classroom doors on the first and second floors )

Jan. 8th, 2008 @ 03:39 pm
who: Ginny and the DA
what: Ginny informs them of her brillant plan.
when: after dinner on 08 Jan 1998
where: ROR
rating: G, for now
status: C O M P L E T E (OMG... what?!)

Her plan was only half-formed, but she'd talked it over with Draco, and it seemed like a viable plan. To an extent. As long as she didn't get murdered. Either way, it was better than nothing. Someone in the DA (she was fairly certain it was Justin) had managed to get parchments onto every desk in every classroom. That was a damn impressive feat, and she wondered if he hadn't enlisted the help of the house elves to manage it.

She took a deep breath as she entered the Room of Requirement, making sure to control it so that no one but a DA member could enter. Bending the room to her needs was key. She made sure to shut the door behind her, and settled in for the others to join her. Her plan was simple and direct. The meeting shouldn't take long.

Backdated to 1/7/98 - Left on every desk in every classroom Jan. 8th, 2008 @ 12:00 pm
welcome back! )

[DA Galleon] Jan. 8th, 2008 @ 08:55 am
DA Meeting January 8, after dinner
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