Posts Tagged: 'type+%C2%BB+fluff'

20th Feb, 2012


o12 → New Body Meme


A change has been made. How you cope is up to you.

- Post with your character's name and canon in the subject line
- Roll using RNG or pick if you see one you like
- Tag others who have posted
- Have fun!

1. Robot - This is a classic. Your entire body has been replaced with electronic parts. There is nothing human left. Or is there? That's up to you.

2. Android - You may be mechanical on the inside, but on the outside you look practically human. In fact, you might not even know you're not human. That's sure going to be a surprise when you find out.

3. Integrated - It might be a space ship, a super computer, a network computer system but you've been wired in. Part of the machine. Do you run the whole shebang or are you part of a huge mechanical whole. Does anyone else know there's a human presence trapped inside this machine? Perhaps you ought to find a way to contact someone on the outside.

4. Freaky Alternate - This is where it gets really weird. There really isn't much of you left. The brain is intact, maybe the whole head, but someone's keeping you alive. And under glass. Can someone scratch your nose? You're a bit lacking in the arm department.

5. Nanites - They're small and smart and inside of you. Possibly working to repair you...possibly working against you to make you into something new. Should you get rid of them? Keep them? Reprogram them?

6. Hologram - Your mind is now ones and zeroes in a computer. But you get this nifty projection that can walk around and interact. Also walk through things. It's not as much fun when people walk through you though. That's just rude.

7. New face - This may have been your idea. Hopefully it was your idea. Because you're waking up with a brand new face. That plastic surgeon sure knows his stuff, even you don't recognize you. It's either going to be a shock or a chance at a new life.

8. Microchipped - Wait, so there's a microchip implanted where?? And it does what? Who controls it? Better find them and figure out what this is all about.

9. Appliance - Ok, who's idea was this? You're not even human shaped anymore, you're a machine. A blender, a PC computer, a washing machine....maybe even a car. Except it's still you in there somehow.

10. Everything Else - There must be something I missed. Put it in!

10th Feb, 2012


o10 → wild animals


« Post a comment: Character name, canon/fandom, and any preferences.
« Go to RNG and roll: 1-5 for the duration of the change, 1-4 for the awareness, and 1-25 for the critter they'll be wearing and/or...
« Wait for other newly changed critters to tag back.
« Tag around to other folks!

Lions and Tigers and Bears! )

14th Jan, 2012


oo6 → Rescues Meme


* Post with your character, fandom, and any preferences in the subject line
* Others pick or roll 1-10 for the rescue scenario using a random generator like RNG
* Reply, rinse, lather, repeat.
* Start rescuing people!

1. Accident - There's been a car wreck or a house collapsed. You never saw it coming and now you're needing some help in getting out.
2. Captured - Seems a bad guy is holding you hostage for their own purposes. Hopefully some help comes along soon.
3. Stuck - You really thought you could fit into that small space/area/situation but now you're stuck and can't get out. Perhaps a friend can find a way to unstick you?
4. Reverse - You aren't the one needing rescue, it's your friend. Better save them quick!
5. Timed - There's a countdown somewhere, possibly a bomb or something bad you know is going to happen. Hurry up and get rescued!!
6. Double Rescue - Both of you need rescued. Better work together in case nobody comes along.
7. Weather - It snuck up on you, the bad weather you're caught in. Could be a hurricane, snowstorm, flood, etc. Find high ground and hope to be rescued soon.
8. For Your Own Good - You don't want to be rescued but apparently you need to be. Whether it's something you're not aware of or you're a danger to yourself, your friend is going to do the right thing and get you out of it whether you like it or not.
9. Trap - You thought this was a rescue. Dun dun DUN!!! It's really a TRAP! Possibly instigated by your friend. Who can you trust to get you out??
10. Free Choice. Any of the above scenarios or create your own!

18th Dec, 2011


oo5 → Random scenario


The Random Scenario Meme
from memebells @ lj

❧ Post a comment with your character's name, canon, and any preferences you have. (You can choose your own scenario or let others decide.)
❧ Go to RNG. Enter 1 - 6 to choose a scene, then 1 - 20 to choose a prompt
❧ Play out the scene.
❧ But, play nicely. If someone doesn't want to play something out, please respect that.

Scenes and prompts )

13th Dec, 2011


oo4 → Love letters


The Love Letter Meme
from hurricane_chris @ lj

❧ Post a blank comment with your character's name, canon, and any preferences.
❧ Reply to others using the RNG to choose a scenario (or choose your own).
❧ Strike up a correspondence or answer a letter in person.

Scenarios )

4th Dec, 2011



oo3 → Under the mistletoe


Kiss me under the mistletoe

'Tis the season for snow, togetherness and that ever-dreaded, ill-placed sprig of mistletoe. Just like that one above your head.

❧ Post a comment as your character.
❧ Other characters reply with the obligatory caught under the mistletoe kiss.
❧ It can be in the context of characters' canon or any AU verses or RPGs.
❧ NSFW threads are allowed.
❧ Have fun!

9th Oct, 2011


oo1 → Snuggles


The Cuddle Meme
from geeesh @ lj

❧ Post a blank comment with your character's name, canon, and any preferences.
❧ Use RNG to choose your cuddle scenario (or choose your own).
❧ Cuddle!

Scenarios )