Posts Tagged: 'type+%C2%BB+transformation'

24th Apr, 2012


The Brain Swap Meme


Maybe it was that one in a million jolt of electricity. Maybe it was some alien piece of technology you really shouldn't have touched. Maybe someone strapped you into a machine, pulled a lever with some maniacal laughter, and did this to you on purpose. Or there's the classic going through a teleportation device and ending up the wrong way around on the other side.

Whether it's on purpose or by accident, your mind is suddenly not where it's supposed to be. And who's that walking around with your body?? Hopefully you can figure out how to get it back before they do any damage to it.

Your mind is effectively switched with the person/object you have ended up in. How will you react? How with the other one react when they find out they're you? If they're an alien, maybe they'll decide being human is a good thing and run off with your body. If they're a plant, they'll have to learn throwing water on themselves isn't the best way to drink, and so on. Meanwhile, you'll be trying to find a way to switch back. Communication may be problematic depending on what you've switched with. The mun who posts plays both parts, the character and the object/plant/alien they've switched with in their body.

- post with your character name and fandom in the subject line
- tag another person, either you or the poster picking from the list of options or using a random number generator like
- have fun!

1. Each Other: The poster and commenter have switched bodies. Awkward? Probably. Time to work together and find a way to reverse this before anyone notices. You may have to coach the other person into how to be "you" properly. Hopefully they're not the type to go running off with another person's body.

2. Animal: Dog, cat, bird, fish, giraffe, pygmy marmoset...small green tree frog. This is now you and the animal is going to be surprised when they find out they're human. Maybe your friend can help fix this situation.

3. Inanimate object: Ever thought about what it would be like to be a toaster? Or a refrigerator? How about a side table? (maybe that's a little bit Blues Clues) But you get the picture. You're an object, you're inanimate, but you're completely aware of what's going on. Your body, however, either believes itself to be a toaster/refrig/sidetable/etc. or it's completely unresponsive till you find a way back. Fortunately for you, the other person commenting is able to understand you somehow.

4. Plant: Time to wax poetic about plants having feelings too because you are now one of them. A beautiful daisy, a prickly cactus, a creeping vine...the plant might have trouble adjusting to using your body though. Good thing that person over there is able to understand you, even if they think they might be going crazy talking to a plant.

5. Technology: This is more computer based than the inanimate object option. This takes in televisions, mobile phones, computers and computer networks, etc. Anything electronic in other words. While you're coping with being inside a machine, the machine is trying to adjust to being a human. Someone might start thinking you're a robot unless you find a way to fix this.

6. Alien: Now you're not only not human, you're not even from planet Earth. The alien may have done this on purpose or perhaps you found something you weren't supposed to touch and touched it before they could say no. Hopefully they can tell you how to fix it...that is if they want to. They might decide to start impersonating you instead to your friends.

7. Something Completely Different: There must be something I didn't think of. Take the story in a completely different direction.

26th Mar, 2012




The truth is out there. And it's headed our way. What kind of contact will you make?

- post with your character name and fandom in the subject line (also any preferences)
- tag other people using RNG or picking from the list below for situation and relationship to poster (optional).
- have fun!

1. Abducted!
You're just minding your own business, maybe even driving your car when...what is that bright light in the sky? Or lights? A ufo definitely. What could those aliens want with little old you?

2. Pregnant!
Congrats, you're now a host for the next generation of aliens. It might be eggs or something much creepier and slimier. Hopefully when they hatch, you'll be able to survive the experience to tell the tale.

3. First Contact!
You are the first human they've ever met. Best friend? You'll have to teach them how to blend in on Earth.

4. One of Us!
No longer human, they've turned you into one of them! What on Earth are you going to tell the rest of humanity? Should you try to save them from the same fate? Or embrace your new alien brothers and help them take over the world?

5. They're all Aliens!
Something's not right. Everyone's acting weird. Why are you the only one that notices? Maybe it's because you're the only human left TO notice, everyone else has been cloned/taken over/replaced!

6. New Planet!
This isn't Earth. Who dropped you off here anyway? Might as well look around, looks like you're here till you find a way back home. That is, if you want to go back home.

7. Crashed Ship!
It fell out of the sky right in front of you! No really it did! And there was this creepy alien thing that came out of it and....

8. Hitchhiker!
Stowing away in a space ship seems a little dangerous, but who could resist, right? The aliens don't know your even on board...yet.

9. We need you!
They're not here to take over the world. They need help. And you're the only one who can help them survive whatever crisis is happening. So are you going to help? Be a hero of Earth?

10. Wild Card!
Anything not included in the above options, pick from the options, or combine more than one.

Relationship (optional)
1. Friend
2. Enemy
3. Alien
4. Stranger/bystander

20th Feb, 2012


o12 → New Body Meme


A change has been made. How you cope is up to you.

- Post with your character's name and canon in the subject line
- Roll using RNG or pick if you see one you like
- Tag others who have posted
- Have fun!

1. Robot - This is a classic. Your entire body has been replaced with electronic parts. There is nothing human left. Or is there? That's up to you.

2. Android - You may be mechanical on the inside, but on the outside you look practically human. In fact, you might not even know you're not human. That's sure going to be a surprise when you find out.

3. Integrated - It might be a space ship, a super computer, a network computer system but you've been wired in. Part of the machine. Do you run the whole shebang or are you part of a huge mechanical whole. Does anyone else know there's a human presence trapped inside this machine? Perhaps you ought to find a way to contact someone on the outside.

4. Freaky Alternate - This is where it gets really weird. There really isn't much of you left. The brain is intact, maybe the whole head, but someone's keeping you alive. And under glass. Can someone scratch your nose? You're a bit lacking in the arm department.

5. Nanites - They're small and smart and inside of you. Possibly working to repair you...possibly working against you to make you into something new. Should you get rid of them? Keep them? Reprogram them?

6. Hologram - Your mind is now ones and zeroes in a computer. But you get this nifty projection that can walk around and interact. Also walk through things. It's not as much fun when people walk through you though. That's just rude.

7. New face - This may have been your idea. Hopefully it was your idea. Because you're waking up with a brand new face. That plastic surgeon sure knows his stuff, even you don't recognize you. It's either going to be a shock or a chance at a new life.

8. Microchipped - Wait, so there's a microchip implanted where?? And it does what? Who controls it? Better find them and figure out what this is all about.

9. Appliance - Ok, who's idea was this? You're not even human shaped anymore, you're a machine. A blender, a PC computer, a washing machine....maybe even a car. Except it's still you in there somehow.

10. Everything Else - There must be something I missed. Put it in!

10th Feb, 2012


o10 → wild animals


« Post a comment: Character name, canon/fandom, and any preferences.
« Go to RNG and roll: 1-5 for the duration of the change, 1-4 for the awareness, and 1-25 for the critter they'll be wearing and/or...
« Wait for other newly changed critters to tag back.
« Tag around to other folks!

Lions and Tigers and Bears! )

9th Feb, 2012


oo9 → losing your mind


Not enough angst in your life all ready? Could use a little more? Or how about exploring the mind of a really mentally broken person? Maybe your life's just a little too dull and you could use a good delusion or two?

Whatever it is maybe you're just looking for a good way to mess your character up.

How to handle it!
~ Post with your character (Name, fandom, who the line is open to and any preferences you may have in subject line.)
~ Others can reply deciding which character in the line they want to be.
~ Tag around!
~ Use to randomly select a scenario or just pick one you like off the list!
~ Enjoy the madness~!

craazy options )

18th Dec, 2011


oo5 → Random scenario


The Random Scenario Meme
from memebells @ lj

❧ Post a comment with your character's name, canon, and any preferences you have. (You can choose your own scenario or let others decide.)
❧ Go to RNG. Enter 1 - 6 to choose a scene, then 1 - 20 to choose a prompt
❧ Play out the scene.
❧ But, play nicely. If someone doesn't want to play something out, please respect that.

Scenes and prompts )