[voice][closed to various]
17 June 2012 at 04:48 pm
Bookman Junior (Lavi)
[private to Black Order members]

[ someone sounds tired; subdued ] Don't know if anyone else is awake, but-- [ longish pause ] Allen's... gone. Yu an' Two-Spot, too.

[private each to Alma and Kitty Pryde (AoA)]

... either of you awake?

((ooc: With permission! Also, if the DF dispatcher on shift wants to weigh in or consider themselves informed, it's a-ok with me. And any hackers are welcome; he sucks at tech.))
Location: DF Headquarters / Late Night
[Voice//Action | Closed]
17 June 2012 at 09:53 pm
Saya Otonashi
[Seeing Diva fall felt like taking the blow herself, just as before. And just as she had then, Saya broke.]

[She barely has her breath again when she opens a private channel to Zero, not caring how her voice is hoarse from wailing or her breathing is shaky from sobbing.]

[Voice | Private to Zero]

Zero -- it's time.

[That's all. He'll know what she means.]

[She knows Hei is close by, but she hasn't looked at him. She can't. She'd rather he left, but nothing will make him, and so he'll just have to stay. Maybe he can help Zero clean up, after.]
[action | open]
17 June 2012 at 10:44 pm
Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat)
[There's a lot on Kitty's mind as she slips through the dome on her way to Reid's place. Allen's gone. That's not okay for a lot of reasons. His life back there never sounded any better than hers. Worse even. Almost like he had a theme of tragedy. Maybe why she took this route that isn't anything resembling direct to head past his place first. He was her first close friend in Marina. He helped her up when she didn't realize how down she was. She never really got a chance to fix the things she broke with him. Or maybe she had the chances and just didn't take them.

Maybe he'll be back. There were always more new arrival days. Maybe he'd remember.

Maybe he wouldn't have to remember some of it.]