[Action or Voice; Open!]
09 May 2012 at 12:04 pm
[Nill is gone and a certain Albino is starting to panic. He came back to where they were staying to find her missing. She wouldn't have just left without leaving him some sort of message. He hoped no one here took her, for their sake. So now he was out searching the Dome for her. May as well try to reach her on the Network.]

Nill? Where are you?

[Voice a little stern and strained with concern.]

Has anyone seen her?

[Filter: Naoto]

Is she with you?

((ooc: Feel free to run into Haine anywhere in the dome at any time of day. He'll spend all day looking for her (Partially in denial that she was sent back without him) ))
( action )
09 May 2012 at 12:49 pm
elena gilbert
[ You might find Elena Gilbert out and about this afternoon. She's moseying quite a bit in Sector 2 and 5, considering she wants things to do and she still needs some more clothes and definitely needs food. (Okay, Damon, because she needs to ingest something that's not blood or alcohol.)

So you might find her poking about the pet cafe with bags in her hands, you might find her holding a sweater or two up from a rack for perusal, or you might find her trying to decide if she wants pulp in her orange juice or not. You might even find her just taking a stroll.

Mostly she's keeping to herself, but she'll have a friendly smile for anyone who catches her eye. Really, mostly - she just needed out of that apartment to feel even a little bit busy and occupied by other things. Like "not Damon" and "not being stuck here."

( ooc: feel free to call, text, run into elena anywhere, or pretty much anything under the sun. \o/ )