[Action/Video| Open]
13 July 2011 at 01:36 am
花村 陽介|Yosuke Hanamura
[It's been a busy couple of days for Yosuke - much of it's had him ready to get away and clear his mind for a bit. Having found his go-to place, he's hanging out at the playground. Maybe you'll find him hanging upside down on the monkey bars, or maybe sitting on a swing. Wherever it is, he looks pretty relaxed, and if you know Yosuke at all, it's pretty obvious it's the most at ease he's been since he showed up in the dome.]

[He's not verbalizing the way the last few days have played out, obviously. With the first two weeks being nothing short of traumatizing, things are starting to settle down - and his conversation with Nakama the day before at his party has him thinking about a lot of things... most of them good.]

[The thought of Nakama's words crossing his mind serves as a reminder. He had something to say on the network! So he does just that, turning on the communicator and smiling brightly into it.]

Hey - uh. Nothing really exciting or important here. I just kind of... wanted to thank everyone who showed up to my, um... birthday party yesterday. You guys made it an awesome birthday, seriously. Seriously. It means a lot to me, hehe.

Sorry if it seems kind of lazy to do it this way, but it was all kind of a blur since it happened so fast.

Thanks again, guys!

[He winks into the camera, then shuts it off. He's totally making the best of this day, awwww yeah.]

[ooc: Action is completely open. Those who would've showed up to Yosuke's birthday are more than welcome to handwave it and we can assume they were there - you're also more than welcome to tag the post still, if you want! ♥]
[Action / Open] Midday to late afternoon, early evening
13 July 2011 at 02:37 pm
Akito/Agito/Lind Wanijima
[Lind is not in the best of moods today. As much as he'd like to move on past what's been happening lately...it is really hard to pretend you're fine when you've suddenly lost your world, you know. Particularly when that person is right there, but there's nothing you can do to regain it.

He's already talked with his youngest brother about this, though he suspects it was more because Agito's not impressed with him worrying Akito about this. Despite that, the dark's left him with a new idea, and he's thinking on it while trying to keep appearances up. That's kind of hard to do though.

For the moment, he's resting on a bench in the park. The grass nearby has several dozen lines criss-crossing it where the ground's been torn up, scar marks from his AT. One leg is drawn to his chest, head resting against his knee. A break from the riding, and to think...]
[action | OPEN]
13 July 2011 at 11:43 pm
両儀式 | Ryougi Shiki
[Inside the pet cafe, the many pets there are frolicking about doing their own thing as usual, but there is actually a very stunning sight(for those who know her) to be beheld there; several of the species clustered and clamoring around one Ryougi Shiki who is shockingly and without warning in their midst.

Really, she hadn't spared much thought for the place, until today when a very pink, very flowery kitty thing had hopped up near a window while she passed by, and caught her attention. And she was doomed.

So that's how she ended up fully inside the place now, and kneeling down on the floor, dutifully making sure to give generous pettings to every little animal that demands it from her, right down to the rappig and some fluffball with a tail thing that are milling about her as well]

...You guys look more like stuffed animals than real ones...

[Not that there's anything wrong with that she loves stuffed animals!]

[[ooc: as always I'll be slow getting to tags please don't hate me]]
[Action | Open]
13 July 2011 at 11:46 pm
General Cross Marian
[Cross has taken to wandering, looking for people who will cook him something decent. Stupid Idiot Apprentice and his ridiculous grandstanding has left him with only the lousy restaurants to choose from. As if he'd eat pizza.]

[Not looking particularly approachable though. And especially not when he goes to light a cigarette, and his lighter just clicks, producing no flame.]
Damn thing. [*flick flick flickflick FLICK* ... *throw* Sorry if it hits you; it's plastic, get over it.]

((OOC: Someone is in a Mood. And I'm looking specifically for people to make it worse! He needs to get in the right (read: BAD) frame of mind for his Gabe-prank next dayweek! Antagonize at will~ ...nicetags are of course welcome, but don't expect him to be very accommodating. ^^;;))