[Action // Open]
11 April 2010 at 12:17 am
[If someone went to the kitchen tonight, or if they got close at all, they would notice a strange smell… Like burnt food. Badly burnt toasts, to be exact. Inside the kitchen, Len was fast asleep, resting his head on the table; he had gone to prepare some food for Adrianna (she was asleep the whole day… she had to be hungry, right? Something easy and fast... like toast should do the trick) but he had felt very tired. That and the headache he was having, that didn’t let up at all during the day. So, he had decided to close his eyes for a little, as he waited for the food to be ready…

He wasn’t expected to fall asleep and not even notice that he burnt the food]

((ooc: please bother him? :D orz, I only have avatars of him sleeping in 'chibi-form' XD))
[Action|Open] Drinking Game! [Backdated]
11 April 2010 at 09:45 pm
Josak Gurriere
[Josak is in the bar, and he's already ordered a piture of beer, but hasn't started drinking it. He's just waiting for everyone else to arrive.]

{OOC: There will be two threads for this log, the "arrival" thread so anyone who shows up and wants to chitcat can, and the "game" thread. Each separate suggestion for "Never Have I" will be posted directly to the thread so that everyone can respond to them, NOT to each other. The winner of the game will be whoever ends up drinking the least or is still standing after everyone else is passed out drunk.

If you don't know the game, it's usually called "I have never." Participants make suggestions of things they've never done starting the statements with "I've never" (although Josak's version they say "Never have I") and any who actually HAS done that has to take a long drink from their glass.}
[Action|Open] Backdated to late evening
11 April 2010 at 10:15 pm
Johnny Rayflo
[Johnny is in the arcade and completely lost though he's trying very hard to hide it. He has no idea what he's doing, but he wanted Cherry somewhere open and easy to get out of. Barry may be chained up, but Rayflo doesn't trust restraints he didn't have a hand in himself.

He showed up early thinking he could figure out at least one of the games before Cherry arrived...and then kick his ass in it. Instead he's just...very confused. Come laugh at the vampire who's way too old for this.]
Location: Arcade / Evening