14 February 2010 at 12:07 am
Hello? Hey, can anyone hear me? Oh jeez... I can't believe this... There's no way I can really be in prison. Right? This has to be some really bad joke. A really, really bad joke. I mean, I'm a good person, I help people. I haven't done anything illegal in my entire life. Oh man, a criminal record is gonna look really bad...

[She gives a groaning kind of sigh.]

And I was thinking about joining the police, too... Catch the real bad guys...This is so unfair...

[OOC Note: Yosuke-mun and I have plans for V-Day, but we'll be back for tags on Sunday night! o/]
[ voice ]
14 February 2010 at 09:27 pm
The Millennium Earl
[ some rustling noises and then a happy voice ]

Ah! So that is how this operates!

Good evening! My name is Adam!
[Action I Open]
14 February 2010 at 10:29 pm
[Silence. Darkness. He could not move. He could not see. He could barely breathe. He felt like he would suffocate, it was far too quiet it was deafening. His own mind was not supposed to be so quiet. It had not been this quiet for as long as he could remember.

Allelujah had found a room, rather simple really, to spend the nights. But he was alone. His heart was racing, the nightmare would not release him from its grasp. Quiet whimpers left him as, in his mind, he attempted to shout out in fury, in pain, at the confinement.

His body writhed while barely moving, seeming to only be shifting in his sleep. Until he feel off the bed, but even then he did not wake, continuing to shift restlessly, his mind keeping him a prisoner. The heavy ball and chain only kept him from moving far, the loud thud carrying and likely disturbing people from their sleep.

But the Meister remained unaware of this, of anything beyond the silence, stillness, immobility of his mind.]

((OOC Good luck trying to wake Alle, and don't be surprised if he's more skittish than usual, suspicious, tense, not able to focus for a few minutes, that sort of thing. He's just basically had a flashback to just before he arrived in this lovely prison. Your character's likely heard the ball drop-literally, and when they get closer, they'll probably hear the whimpering and moaning-the painful kind, sadly no pleasurable ones.))
14 February 2010 at 11:46 pm
[ooc. OKAY I KNOW I FAIL I'M SORRY fjasdklfasdjfklasdfjkl

and full out shouting into the mic. enjoy.]


Look, I know I'm awesome and you all want this great god and all but -- Shit!

[ sound of him kicking something and it cuts off ]