Oct. 12th, 2013


Plot: I lost my shoe... it's with my body.

Hey everyone! If you've been stalking me on plurk, you'll have noticed a plot being formed in the last few days that is coming to fruition, and I want everyone who wants to have fun with it to be able to plot with me for it!

Basically, here's the deal. Sam Winchester disappeared from Mandalus last night - he left work at the diner and was heading back to Singer Salvage. Maybe he stopped in at the Sanctuary? Maybe he stumbled across a cult meeting somewhere. He doesn't really remember.

Mainly, because he was just kidnapped and used as an object in a cult sacrifice.

Say it with me: DAMN YOU SERPENT CULT!!!!! o9

Plot Details Inside )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


» hey-o time to go camping!

As mentioned on the September PWM, Kirk And Co are going to be hosting a giant camping trip in the woods. Why? Because camping is fun and we need to redeem camping in Trek from STV and what other reason do you need to shove everyone in a forest with fire, marshmallows, and people singing Row Row Row Your Boat? None. That's what I thought.

Except, if there are enough people interested? There might be a bit of a side quest tucked away!

[Information Here] )

Jul. 1st, 2013


July 4th shennanigans!

So when the invitations go out, today, there will be the addendum that this will be a charity event to raise funds for the Mandalus survivors who were found by Captain Kirk.

ALSO; It will be noted that THE SYSTEM has been invited.

Jun. 15th, 2013


» expedition information post

Now that we have sign-ups, here is an overview of the Expedition to the Mandalus Crater (it's kind of a long title). Buckle up!

[Information Here] )