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January 12th, 2010

10:45 pm
WHO: Izzy & Wyatt
WHEN: Tuesday Noon
WHERE: Izzy's flat
WHAT: apartment stuffs
RATING: duno

It was getting too close to her due date. )

[Wave Your Wand]

December 2nd, 2009

07:59 pm
WHO: Wyatt and Isabella
WHEN: Thrusday morning
WHERE: london
WHAT: apartment hunting
RATING: pg13?
So what were you wanting in a new place )

[1 spell | Wave Your Wand]

November 9th, 2009

04:51 pm
Owl to Mum & Dad (Hestia & Charlie Weasley) )

[Wave Your Wand]

November 7th, 2009

06:35 pm
Owl to Isabella )

[1 spell | Wave Your Wand]

October 22nd, 2009

12:49 am
WHO: Izzy & Dom
WHEN: Wed evening
WHERE: Izzy's flat
WHAT: dinner & chatting (& izzy drops the preggo bomb)
RATING: pg13 at most

Bloody hell she could use some pistachio ice cream right about now. )

[21 spells | Wave Your Wand]

October 5th, 2009

12:47 pm
Inter-Office paper airplane to Albus )

Inter-Office note to Uncle Harry )

Inter-Office note to Draco Malfoy )

[2 spells | Wave Your Wand]

October 3rd, 2009

06:03 pm
WHO: Isabella & Wyatt
WHEN: Sunday 6pm San Fran/ 11pm London
WHERE: Wyatt & Chris' apartment
WHAT: Izzy's packing to go home
RATING: duno

It was amazing how much stuff Isabella had managed to drag to Wyatt's in just a couple weeks. )

[4 spells | Wave Your Wand]

October 2nd, 2009

01:29 pm
(both notes are backdated to yesterday since I forgot to send them!)

Owl to Eleanor Higgs )

Owl to Uncle Bill )

[1 spell | Wave Your Wand]

01:03 pm
WHO: Izzy/Phoebe, Leo, Dom/Chris, Wyatt, Hermione, Paige, Harry, Andy, Albus, Phoebe/Izzy, Teddy, Chris/Dom, Ron
**(This is the posting order. If the person before you hasn't posted, wait an hour after the last post and then go ahead.) (Piper, James, and Victoire are there, too but since we don't have players for them, they remain silent.)
WHERE: Halliwell Manor
WHEN: Saturday around 1pm
WHAT: Meeting of two cultures
RATING: PG13 at most

Everyone was here. Introductions had been made. Piper had been cooking since last night (which Wyatt had explained to Isabella that Piper did when she was nervous or upset) so there were snacks all over the dining room table. For the most part, the older group were the ones sitting. There weren't enough chairs for everyone. But that wasn't really a big deal. Not everyone needed to sit, and some people preferred to stand (or pace).

Isabella waited until everyone was ready before starting things. This was, after all, her case. Not to mention her being the one crossing the two cultures... although she had dressed so that it wasn't obvious. Most (if not all) of Wyatt's family knew she was pregnant. Teddy and Albus and Vic knew, but that was it for her family. And hopefully no one else would find out quite yet. "First, a couple of specialists from the Ministry are working on getting wards up at Salem's and are confident from the file I gave them on the school that they can duplicate the anti-demon wards at Hogwarts. So the kids should be able to return to Salem's on Monday if everyone is okay with that."

"Secondly we're aware now that the Death Eaters are working with the demons. We don't know why. And we don't know which ones - Death Eaters or demons. There are a couple back in London being interrogated before being thrown in prison, but they're not giving up anything." Isabella paused, but only long enough to take a breath. This was nerve wrecking! "About a month or two ago, Wyatt and I figured out that something called Maenads had killed Verity. And we went after them, but we didn't have enough intel to destroy them. When I went after Lily, the guys who had her looked human, but I don't know if they were demons or Death Eaters. So I kind of feel like we're back at square one."

[19 spells | Wave Your Wand]

September 30th, 2009

03:21 pm
WHO: Isabella & Willow
WHEN: Weds afternoon
WHERE: Salem's
WHAT: sisterly stuff (will is a pest & iz is a bitch)
RATING: prolly r for language

Isabella was finally trying to put up some wards around Salem's. )

[8 spells | Wave Your Wand]

September 28th, 2009

07:01 pm
WHO: Izzy & Bianca
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Wyatt & Chris' flat
WHAT: pretty much hi who are you
RATING: duno yet

So Isabella was spread out on the couch with her paper work, her ice cream, and her headphones over her stomach. )

[20 spells | Wave Your Wand]

06:23 pm
Voicemail to Paige from Wyatt's phone )

[1 spell | Wave Your Wand]

September 22nd, 2009

12:56 pm
Inter-office Notice to Every Ministry Employee )

Inter-office Notice to All Unspeakables & Liaisons )

Owl to Albus Potter )

Hexed Owl to Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy )

[Wave Your Wand]

September 8th, 2009

10:55 pm
Hexed Private Owl to Harry James Potter )

Inter-Office Notice to the Heads of Each Department )

Inter-Office Notice to All Department of Mysteries Employees and Liaisons )

Hexed Private Inter-Office Notice to All Unspeakables and Liaisons )

[1 spell | Wave Your Wand]

August 30th, 2009

03:39 pm
WHO: Isabella & Daphne
WHEN: Sunday Noon
WHERE: some cafe somewhere
WHAT: lunch and hanging out and stuff

Apparating into the Burrow, Isabella was immediately bombarded with Gran's questions about the bloke she brought to Rosie's wedding. )

[34 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 29th, 2009

02:30 am
WHO: Rose Weasley; family and friends
WHEN: 11am on Saturday
WHERE: Fancy Hotel room, garden, then banquet hall
RATING: PG to PG-13, there's a lot of people so anything could happen
Time for something good to happen )

[25 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 28th, 2009

07:39 pm
Owl to family, Theodore Lupin, Amanda Nott, Scorpius Malfory & family, Wesley Longbottom, and The Marks family. )

[13 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 27th, 2009

11:10 pm
WHO: Penthea, Phylicia & Christy, then Wyatt & Isabella
WHEN: 10pm London / 2pm San Fran
WHERE: Mitchell house then Isabella's flat
WHAT: meddling as usual
RATING: duno yet

We're going to London, by the way. I don't know if I mentioned that. )

[13 spells | Wave Your Wand]

03:46 pm
WHO: Izzy and Wyatt
WHEN: after her dr appt & his thing w/ chris
WHERE: her flat
WHAT: talking and stuff
RATING: pg13?

Izzy had no idea what time it was when she heard (maybe sensed?) Wyatt back in the apartment. She had fallen asleep in the tub. )

[12 spells | Wave Your Wand]

03:26 pm
WHO: Izzy & Rose
WHEN: Thurs morning (8am, so the boys can be out in sanfran)
WHERE: her obgyn
WHAT: official doctor pregnancy test
RATING: pg13?

She felt like she was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. )

[4 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 26th, 2009

12:21 pm
Owl to Rose )

Owl to Work )

[2 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 25th, 2009

06:18 pm
WHO: Jackson, Wyatt, and Isabella
WHEN: Wednesday morning, around 2am
WHERE: Iz's Flat
WHAT: Jacks is packing to leave when some unexpected family drama falls in his lap.
RATING: pg13?
Nothing better than some good family drama. )

[20 spells | Wave Your Wand]

11:52 am
WHO: Izzy, Teddy, Vic
WHEN: late tuesday night (11/midnight ish)
WHERE: Lou's flat
WHAT: pregnancy tests! (yes, multiple. izzy is spazzing)
RATING: pg13 at least for language

Izzy apparated into Lou's living room and set her brown paper bag on the coffee table. )

[22 spells | Wave Your Wand]

11:25 am
WHO: Wyatt & Bella
WHEN: Tuesday Afternoon (Cali time)
WHERE: Wyatt's apartment
WHAT: Wyatt's sleeping because he's exhausted, and *pregnancy clues!!*

Read more... )

[15 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 21st, 2009

09:45 pm
WHO: Izzy & Piper (& npc demons)
WHEN: Friday Night/Saturday Morning
WHAT: Izzy is supposed to meet Wyatt & gets a demon surprise, & Piper gets the grandma surprise!
RATING: pg13?

Leaning against the bar, Izzy waited until Piper looked her way and then tried to smile. )

[8 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 14th, 2009

11:19 pm
WHO: Bella & Lily
WHEN: 2ish SanFran time
WHERE: Wyatt's apt & then some random demon hideout
WHAT: Bella accidentally finds Lily
RATING: duno

She was fine. Really. )

[18 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 10th, 2009

10:45 pm
WHO: Wyatt, Isabella, and Phoebe
WHEN: 9 or 10 SanFran time
WHERE: Wyatt's apartment then Phoebe's loft.
WHAT: Wyatt's watching Bella sleep, then remembers they need to find Lily.
RATING: pg/pg13

Read more... )

[5 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 9th, 2009

08:51 pm
WHO: Isabella & Chris & Wyatt
WHEN: 7am Mon London Time, 10pm Sun SanFran time
WHERE: Wyatt's apartment (& apparently Chris lives there too!)
WHAT: Izzy is sleeping... or trying to
RATING: pg13 maybe

Jumping out of bed, Izzy darted through the living room to the bathroom floor. )

[28 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 8th, 2009

09:55 pm
Owl to Isabella )

[8 spells | Wave Your Wand]

04:35 pm
WHO: Isabella & Willow
WHEN: Saturday AM
WHERE: Izzy's flat
WHAT: sisterly bonding time
RATING: duno yet

For once she was glad she never cleaned because it meant her bathroom floor was padded with a nice layer of dirty clothes. )

[24 spells | Wave Your Wand]

12:37 am
Owl to Ryder and Isabella )

[2 spells | Wave Your Wand]

August 6th, 2009

11:08 am
WHO: Isabella, Wyatt & any Potter
WHEN: 6pm ish
WHERE: Izzy's office & then the Potter house
WHAT: Wyatt's going to try and scry
RATING: duno

Merlin, she was losing her sodding mind! )

[16 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 31st, 2009

10:55 pm
Owl to Albus )

[2 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 30th, 2009

10:54 am
Owl to Wyatt )

[4 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 29th, 2009

07:55 pm

[20 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 28th, 2009

09:56 pm
WHO: Victoire, Isabella & Wyatt
WHEN: Tuesday late at night
WHERE: Izzy's flat & then Wyatt's apartment
WHAT: Vic intervenes
RATING: duno

Isabella was standing awkwardly in Wyatt's living room, looking a mess, rubbing her arms nervously. )

[24 spells | Wave Your Wand]

12:00 pm
Owl to Dominique )

[13 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 26th, 2009

09:25 pm
WHO: Isabella & Wyatt; later Wyatt & Sam and probably Izzy afterward
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Izzy's flat; Asia; Wyatt's flat
WHAT: Wyatt hears Sam calling & goes running. Izzy checks up on him later.
RATING: pg13?

At least there was an abundance of information on them. )

[14 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 22nd, 2009

08:26 pm
Owl to Isabella )

[10 spells | Wave Your Wand]

06:50 pm
Who: Harry Potter, Pallie Halliwell, Isabella Weasley, and Peyton Halliwell
Where: Leaky Cauldron
What: Meeting
Rating: PG-13ish
About time there were some new faces around here )

[18 spells | Wave Your Wand]

03:12 pm
Owl to Teddy Lupin )

[2 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 20th, 2009

08:54 pm
WHO: Izzy & Wyatt
WHEN: right after she sent louis the howler
WHERE: izzy's flat & then the underworld
WHAT: trying to get the demons that got verity
RATING: duno

Because at this point Isabella was thinking she might just give up. )

[50 spells | Wave Your Wand]

07:04 pm
Howler to Louis Weasley )

[1 spell | Wave Your Wand]

01:15 pm
Owl to Isabella )

[6 spells | Wave Your Wand]

12:15 pm
Owl to Dad )

Owl to Aunt Hermione )

[7 spells | Wave Your Wand]

11:53 am
WHO: Izzy & Open
WHEN: Monday Morning
WHERE: Her basement office at the MoM.
WHAT: whatever
RATING: dunno

It wasn't until she heard the door that Isabella woke up. )

[14 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 19th, 2009

05:46 pm
Paper Airplane to Albus' Desk from Izzy's Desk )

[8 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 17th, 2009

09:24 pm
WHO: Isabella & Wyatt & suddenly Piper
WHEN: in the middle of her entry & later that night (11ish her time, 3ish his)
WHERE: Izzy's flat
WHAT: sillyness, a look at the Book, & dragons! (*cough*andsex*cough*) Piper is scaring Izzy to death
RATING: R cuz Piper is scary!

But then again, at this point Isabella should have known not to be skeptical. )

[41 spells | Wave Your Wand]

04:47 pm
Paper Airplane to Albus' Desk from Izzy's Desk )

[8 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 13th, 2009

10:36 pm
WHO: Izzy and Wyatt
WHEN: Mon Night
WHERE: Izzy's flat & then out to eat
WHAT: a date!
RATING: pg13?

She had just set the dishes to wash themselves and sat down on the couch when she felt Wyatt orbing into her flat. )

[38 spells | Wave Your Wand]

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