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December 27th, 2009

02:54 pm
WHEN: New Years Eve
WHERE: Hogwarts
WHAT: New Years Eve Party!
RATING: pg13?

Something needed to be done to smooth the lines between the two worlds. After the double attacks, no one trusted anyone. That wasn't going to help things. It really wasn't. The two sides needed to come together in a relaxed environment, to get comfortable with each other. Especially if everything was coming down to the way that it seemed like it was. Death Eaters were cropping up in bigger and bigger numbers again. If rumors were right, they were working with demons. And as far as anyone could tell, the demons were far worse than just Death Eaters. The magical community needed to bond and learn to work together. And to do that, they needed a starting point.

The Great Hall had been decorated immaculately. It was even better than the regular yearly feasts. There was more food, and it was varied. The house elves had been informed that it was important for them to serve American food as well as the regular stuff. Invitations had been sent out two weeks ago. Portkeys had been set up in both countries. And there was a nearly full brigade of Aurors in attendance and on duty, not to mention those who were showing up even though they weren't on the clock. Death Eaters and Demons weren't getting in. Things were going to go smoothly.

Groups of people started showing up around seven. Food was spread out across the professors' table. The band got going at around nine. There was going to be a count-down, of course, but it was more important that everyone got together and had a good time. Good safe fun was exactly what the magical community needed right now.

[8 spells | Wave Your Wand]

December 2nd, 2009

02:46 pm
WHO: Prue II and Open
WHEN: Wednesday around 4pm
WHERE: Manor
WHAT: doing some research
RATING: pg13
It never hurts to double check )

[3 spells | Wave Your Wand]

November 16th, 2009

03:59 pm
Phone call to Leo )

[Wave Your Wand]

November 2nd, 2009

11:53 pm
WHO: Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt
WHEN: October 30th, evening
WHERE: Halliwell Manor
WHAT: Dinner
RATING: Don't know yet
It's not exactly a fancy dinner but trust me you'll like it. )

[1 spell | Wave Your Wand]

October 2nd, 2009

01:03 pm
WHO: Izzy/Phoebe, Leo, Dom/Chris, Wyatt, Hermione, Paige, Harry, Andy, Albus, Phoebe/Izzy, Teddy, Chris/Dom, Ron
**(This is the posting order. If the person before you hasn't posted, wait an hour after the last post and then go ahead.) (Piper, James, and Victoire are there, too but since we don't have players for them, they remain silent.)
WHERE: Halliwell Manor
WHEN: Saturday around 1pm
WHAT: Meeting of two cultures
RATING: PG13 at most

Everyone was here. Introductions had been made. Piper had been cooking since last night (which Wyatt had explained to Isabella that Piper did when she was nervous or upset) so there were snacks all over the dining room table. For the most part, the older group were the ones sitting. There weren't enough chairs for everyone. But that wasn't really a big deal. Not everyone needed to sit, and some people preferred to stand (or pace).

Isabella waited until everyone was ready before starting things. This was, after all, her case. Not to mention her being the one crossing the two cultures... although she had dressed so that it wasn't obvious. Most (if not all) of Wyatt's family knew she was pregnant. Teddy and Albus and Vic knew, but that was it for her family. And hopefully no one else would find out quite yet. "First, a couple of specialists from the Ministry are working on getting wards up at Salem's and are confident from the file I gave them on the school that they can duplicate the anti-demon wards at Hogwarts. So the kids should be able to return to Salem's on Monday if everyone is okay with that."

"Secondly we're aware now that the Death Eaters are working with the demons. We don't know why. And we don't know which ones - Death Eaters or demons. There are a couple back in London being interrogated before being thrown in prison, but they're not giving up anything." Isabella paused, but only long enough to take a breath. This was nerve wrecking! "About a month or two ago, Wyatt and I figured out that something called Maenads had killed Verity. And we went after them, but we didn't have enough intel to destroy them. When I went after Lily, the guys who had her looked human, but I don't know if they were demons or Death Eaters. So I kind of feel like we're back at square one."

[19 spells | Wave Your Wand]

September 28th, 2009

06:32 pm
Voicemail to Leo & Piper @ the Manor )

Voicemail to Paige )

Voicemail to Pallie )

[30 spells | Wave Your Wand]

July 14th, 2009

02:44 pm - Minor Plot Stuff for School!
Letter/Email/Phone Call to All Salem Students/Parents )

Owl to All Hogwarts Students/Parents )

[Wave Your Wand]

June 5th, 2009

02:59 pm - Phone Call to Piper Halliwell
[The Elder had only just left Leo's office, but he wasn't going to wait any longer. He yanked out his cell, flipping it open and hitting speed dial two. It rang and few times, more than Leo would have liked considering his current state of panic, and then Piper answered, sounding a bit out of breath. Leo didn't give her a chance to say much of anything, though.]

"Piper, Elder Goodnec just came to see me. There was another murder like Casta's. Her aunt and uncle in Texas. I think we need to go check this one out, too."

[6 spells | Wave Your Wand]

May 29th, 2009

04:21 pm - plotty stuff. take 2.
A paper airplane flies into Leo's office at Magic School and lands on top of a stack of papers on his desk. When he enters, it flies around his head until he opens it. The paper is a letter from one of the School's Teaching Assistants.

Headmaster Wyatt,
Normally I would ignore such rumors, but I fear that I can no longer. I have a cousin in England who used to attend Hogwarts. I know, most people on either side don't believe the other is real. The Elders have talked to our family and we're aware of the Statute of Secrecy. But I can't keep this to myself any longer. My cousin Verity believes that the small string of attacks in London are demons even though no one else over there believes they exist. The rumors here, I'm sure you know, are that there is a new Source taking power. I think, and please tell me if I'm over-reacting, that the two situations are connected. Verity and I would both feel a lot safer if you could possibly mention this to the Charmed Ones. Thank you so much. You know where to find me if you want to talk further or get a hold of Verity.
Casta Ambrose

[Wave Your Wand]

May 22nd, 2009

12:49 am - Letters to All Students Everywhere!
Owl to All Hogwarts Students/Parents )

Letter/Email/Phone Call to All Salem Students/Parents )

[Wave Your Wand]

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