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wolfsbane and potion masters

December 31st, 2013

Fiction: If That's What It Takes, by Furrina

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Title: If That's What It Takes

From: Furrina

Summary: "I will stand like a rock, I will bend till I break. Till there's no more to give, if that's what it takes." - Story inspired by Celine Dion's "If That's What It Takes", but not a songfic.

Rating: Holiday Spice (R)

HP Era: 1998-onward: After the Second War

Genre: Alternate Reality, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

Additional Characters and Pairings: Tonks and Teddy, Remus/Tonks

Warning: Mpreg

Word count: 7851

Author Notes: This work is inspired by Snegurochka’s "Bend" because I totally fell in love with her Tonks. It follows the events of "Bend", though reading the story is not necessary for understanding of this fic. (Bonus if you do; it’s amazing!) Snegurochka Lee is aware of and gave permission for this work.

Prompt: Story #72 - This is your wild card. If you have a story, art or whatever medium of Snupiny project applies that you have been itching to do, draw, write or finish, but you never have time due to all the lovely fests you can’t quite say no to, this is your chance! From Azure_rosa
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