The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

August 1st, 2012

Remix note & Snupin Santa Poll

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ETA: As no one is cross-posting, be sure to follow the Remix Challenge for August and September with the Remix Tag on LJ or by adding the LJ LS Syndication to your flist here.

Right now, Stasia is taking your 2007 and earlier stories and art that you will allow others to remix. Offering your work doesn't mean you have to make claims later.

I'll be honest, I have an insanely busy Fall, but I don't feel right asking anyone else to take on Snupin Santa this year. That said, if you'd like to run it and were waiting for me to ask, step forward! I make great support, and so do many others behind the scenes.

I need you all to answer the LJ poll objectively and with as much internal honesty as you can muster. The only way I'll mentally survive my Fall work and Snupin Santa (and HP_Halloween) is for it to run smoothly.

Take the Snupin Santa Poll on LJ or reply screened here.

Comments are screened. Sorry to sound so dire about this, but I think you all know by now that I can get really burnt out and bogged down with the bigger events. I'm laying my cards on the table, and I hope you will as well. You're all terrific community members, which is why you make the work involved in these things totally worthwhile. *smushes you all with hugs*

Other notes: Comfort Fics can still be added here. Prompt: Remix tag made - use it when the time comes, please! We had a Remix Exchange in 2010 if you need to see the idea in action.

love, lore

July 31st, 2012

Guest Mod, Remix Challenge for all

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Stasia is taking over challenge mod duties for August and September. She doesn't have an account here, so we could both use someone willing to post links here back to the LiveJournal mod posts about Stasia's challenge. Anyone want to help with that?

Second, she's made an announcement about her challenge: Remix!

Read about it on LJ
and consider participating, either by offering your early works for remixing or making a claim on one!

I'm going to let Stasia get started before I make a poll about Snupin Santa to gauge interest and help.
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