The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

March 8th, 2012

Mod Post: Remus' Birthday, Scavenger hunt, etc.

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In case it wasn't obvious, your challenge this month is to celebrate Remus' birthday, which is this Saturday, March 10! Anything Remus goes, even gen, as long as you don't pair him with someone other than Severus (for long).

There's a Scavenger Hunt on, did you see? Read here for rules and here for a related story and to add your screened responses to the challenge! (as there's been no tally post yet, I'm going to assume Phantaz meant Sunday, Midnight, March 11)

As our eagle-eyed members have pointed out, there's Snape/Lupin popping up in a variety of fests and exchanges. There's no better way to spread the good Snupin word (or art!) year-round than by signing up for a fest/exchange/big bang/etc. For example, HP_Porninthesun, a summer exchange, is still taking sign-ups. If you'd like to look for other avenues to release your inner Snupin upon the world, check out Potterfests, which is a terrific resource for what's going on around fandom.

Not that I don't want you all participating here, of course. But it never hurts our cause to circulate!

Finally, I've reason to go poking around the Snupin Santa archive this weekend. If you haven't responded to your gift yet, you might want to. It might not be a requirement of the exchange to respond to gifts, but there's nothing stopping me from poking you with a stick to do it, either. ^_^

love, lore
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