The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

October 20th, 2011

~Drabble Collection~ G-NC17

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Title: Drabble Collection
Author: [info]islandsmoke
Ratings: G through NC-17
A/N: For the last month of the Decade of Lupin/Snape (being unprepared and arse hip deep in my SnuSa fic) I am posting four more of the drabbles I wrote for Last Drabble Writer Standing. Each drabble had a word count requirement, a cliché or genre it fit into, and a word that had to be used.

These were all beta'd by [info]hogwartshoney who was fabulous at on-the-spot help and cheerleading.

April 9th, 2011

Drabbles written for the LDWS round one

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Four drabbles written for the first round of the LDWS. Ratings g to pg-13 for implied smexy-times, un-betaed.

My Drabbles from the first round of LDWS )

January 30th, 2011

Mod Reminders: Year-Long posts due, Art Focus BB sign-ups, Syndication from LJ, LDWS, etc.

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You have one more day to post your Year-Long Challenge: A Decade of Snape/Lupin offering before a new month begins. Don't forget to use the project: a decade of ssrl tag when posting if you want all your entries to be found. Remember, you're playing for fabulous prizes donation dollars (even better!) here.

As I said before, I am seriously considering offering an anmnesty month in the summer sometime, where you can catch up if you missed posting, so hang in there!

So, artists, I know I said you didn't have to sign up for the Snupin Big Bang Art Focus until the art deadline on March 1, but if you are considering participating and are now biding your time, please consider signing up just to ease your mod's mind. The worst thing that will happen to those signed-up is that they will be sent an email, PM, or reply on March 1, asking if they're still in. If not, there's no problem in saying so.

Writers, the same goes for you, too, if you would be so kind. Again, our timeline:

* Artist and Writer sign-ups currently open
* March 1: All sign-ups close and Art is due!
* March 15: Writer assignments out
* April 15: First Draft writer deadline
* May 1: Final Draft deadline
* Reveal: June 1 or when all art has a matching story

P.S. - Artists, you can submit up to 3 pieces of art, and any rating is acceptable. A range of ratings, if you're submitting 3, would be terrific! (Just stating this from the rules because I've had some questions about it)

I want to remind you all that there is a Syndication Feed of the LiveJournal Lupin_Snape community available for you to add to your reading list. We have many members who only post in one place or the other. If you wish, there is also a Lupin_Snape Dreamwidth for you to use as a backup or additional posting place.

The Snupin Last Drabble Writer Standing competition starts this week on Wednesday (Feb. 2). There are still slots left for sign-ups, and I believe you can enter up until the first assignment goes out. You should read over the rules for a secret sign-up word. And the community is going to need readers and voters, so be sure to watch the community if you're interested.

There is an HP Themes community that links to works that fit a given theme each month. We did a version of this for a while with our thematic lists. This month's theme is "formal courtship", but you're welcome to give new links on any of the older themes as well.

A search back here could use your help. My brain is refusing to cough this story up!

NOT that I want to distract anyone from the Big Bang or Year-Long Project, but if you are an exchange junkie, HP_Spring_Fling is taking sign-ups until February 1 here. If you ask for Snape/Lupin as one of your choices, it might ease the pain of possibly losing your participation here.... *whistles innocently*

That's it for now. I'm sure I'll think of 10 more things before I post. Don't forget your Decade entries! *HUGS COMMUNITY* I'm so glad that you all have gathered here!

love, lore

January 24th, 2011

Mod Post: Snupin Santa wrap, LDWS contest beginning, Etc.

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Last of the [info]snupin_santa wrap-up:

-> Snapealina won the official guessing poll! In statistical news, more people mixed up McKay/Scribbulus_Ink's and Arionrhod's entries than any other, but the most outright wrong guesses went to "Lost and Found and Hardships of a Teenage Metamorphagus" by Dungeons_Master.

-> Speaking of Statistics, the absolutely fabulous [info]swissmarg put together a lengthy set of statics on the Snupin_Santa exchange, and even compared it to other exchanges. Did you know that we had no G-rated fics? Or that our art-to-fic ratio was 42%? If you're a math nerd like I am, you can't miss her stats post! (Don't forget to comment, plz)

Last Drabble-Writer Standing (snupin_ldws) sign-ups are this Wednesday, January 26, 6 p.m. EST. There is a 16-participant limit, so be ready or find a proxy. I volunteer to be one if you can't find a friend who will be on. Just contact me.

Despite all my nattering at the poor mod in the info post I linked, I know [info]isisanubis has a lot of experience running LDWS contests. I'm confident that you'll be in good hands if you want to play along in any capacity; the community needs readers who will vote, too, as well as writers.

I've added the tag "drabbles: LDWS" on both Lupin_Snape Communities for the posting of LDWS info and re-posting of any contest drabbles.

End of the month is coming soon. Have you submitted anything for the Year-Long Challenge: A Decade of Snape/Lupin yet? I am thinking of allowing a one-time catch-up month in the summer, so if you've missed a month already, don't give up!

Reposting & Commenting month continues! I am still happy to gather up recs for the newsletters if you're making them. Art Big Bang announcement next (or, technically, above this one)!

love, lore
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