The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

October 9th, 2014

Looking for a Snupin Santa beta

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Hello, all...I'm in need of a beta, less than 2,000 words, R-rated. Thanks.

Any takers?

December 22nd, 2013

Beta request

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Hello all! I am finishing up a shortish story of just over 3k as we speak, could I get someone to do a quick beta on it in the next day or two? I should finish it either tonight or early tomorrow. It is a pretty standard short story, the only kink would maybe be uniform fixation a bit. There is a sex scene (wall frottage/mutual masterbation) and other such scenes are implied, so no kiddies please. Basically I'm after the standard SPAG and for another set of eyes to make sure this makes any sense to someone who is not me. As always constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks in advance! :D

December 19th, 2013

Beta request

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Hi guys

I'm looking for someone to beta my Snupin Santa story. (Which means quite a short deadline)

It's between 5 and 6k and it's a family fic with low rating. The story will hopefully be finished some time during the night (worst case tomorrow morning) and I wonder if anyone has the chance to take a look at it.

I'm not a native English speaker, so I'll definitely need help with SPAG.

Any takers?

Hugs from lina

November 9th, 2012

Beta request

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Hi all, I've got my SnuSa nearly finished, I'm still being me and obsessing over some bits, but it is all written out and I really need someone to go over it with a fine-toothed comb for everything from SpaG to character consistency and coherency. I would be ecstatic if I could get several volunteers, please don't feel you aren't needed if someone has already offered! My story is in the R/nc-17 range, though only very briefly, so underage people should steer clear. I don't think there is anything squick worthy in it, so this should be a pretty user friendly story. It isn't dark or overly angsty, though the boys do butt heads a bit. Please reply below and I will send you a copy. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :D

love, azure_rosa

October 9th, 2012

Because Just Asking Is Boring!

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Hey guys! If any of you are familiar with me at all from drabble nights (I'm Ellie in there), you know my 'drabbles' are more accurately ficlets, ranging from 500 words to, rarely, up to 5k. Not drabbles at all!

Now, over the course of the last - year? Maybe? I've written a nice pile of these, but I think a grand whopping THREE got posted. Like, out of - thirty? Ish? And like one, maybe two, got linked on L_S. Shameful, innit?

A little more info here... )

Where was I? OH. Yes. Beta. Fic. So I can foist more smut on your (not-so-innocent) eyes. Hmmmm. Any interest? Yes? No? DO let me know. In the meantime, I'll just be....watching....Remus and Severus.... :O

September 30th, 2012

Beta request

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Hi all, I would like to have someone give my remix a once over before I post it if possible. It isn't very long, about 2k words, and it shouldn't be triggery for anyone. It does have a sort of fly-by sex scene so of age people only please. I'll be in chat all day and you can comment below or message me through my account here. Thank you! :D

August 11th, 2011

Nothing to do this weekend? Why not do some beta reading?

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If you (yes I'm looking at you) were just thinking: Oh, I have nothing to do this weekend. If only I had a story I could beta. Then I have extremely good news for you!!! :D

Read more... )

June 21st, 2011


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Need beta for BLU. 22k+ word count.

Must be ok with: lil' bit of bloodshed

Please contact me at:
omnirip at gmail dot com


May 16th, 2011

Beta Search for BLU2

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I am looking for a beta for BLU2. It isn't exceptionally long, and I mainly need it proofread for typos. Any takers? Please? I need to submit it soon.

Think about the karma. I am willing to beta your BLU or another story in exchange!

July 27th, 2008


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Wanted: a beta for my Fantasy Fest fic. Must have strong plot-hole-finding skills, astrong sense of continuity, and a tolerance for descriptions of animal sexuality.

June 20th, 2008

Snupin author seeks willing Beta

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I feel quite odd doing this, considering I rarely use betas, but... I'm in search of a beta for the next two chapters of The Castle Gate.

Chapter two is ready for betaing, and I will attempt to have three finished either this evening or tomorrow. What I'm seeking is a beta who will help mostly with content as opposed to grammar and such (though catching any of those mistakes of mine which I failed to notice would of course be appreciated).

Drop me a comment here, in the chat, or on aim (sn= cursed truth) to let me know you are interested. Thank you very much in advance.

May 7th, 2008

Desperately seeking a beta reader...

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I know everyone is frantically busy at the moment - with RL school finals, and with the [info]pervy_werewolf LMoM & other projects!

I'm desperately seeking a beta-reader for a few snupin projects I'm starting to work on again, most urgently the fic for the [info]lupin_snape Darkfic May Challenge. As befits the theme, it is a darkfic (well, as dark as I can, anyway...), with (seeming) dub-con & coercion - although it does end happily.

The fic should be ready to read in about 1 week.

I would be grateful if anyone could help.

EDIT: Beta-reader found - thanks [info]florahart!

January 13th, 2008

Beta-reader needed for Snupin_santa story

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Hello, Fellow Snupiners!

I posted my Snupin-Santa story without having it beta-read, and now that the reveals are up I am hoping someone might be interested in reading it through for me.

Generally, I need help with punctuation use... commas in particular. I tend to use them stupidly. But I would aslo like constructive criticism of any nature.

If you want to look it over before agreeing, you can read it here
It's PG-13 with no particular warnings.

Comment here, or E-mail me at Stoicstella at Yahoo dot Com if you are interested in helping me out with this.

Thanks in advance.


Beta-reader wanted...

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Mods: please delete entry or contact me if this is inappropriate!

Beta-reader required...

I was hoping to find some-one to beta-read 2 one-shot stories for me, sometime in the next week or so.

One story contains rough-sex and what might be considered dub-con (although within the story context it isn't actually dub-con), and light BDSM, as well as anal, oral & wanking. Not sure about length yet.

The other story includes fairly standard slash-sex - oral, anal, wanking - no rough stuff! It's approx. 3000 words.

I'm particularly looking for some-one who could offer constructive criticism and make suggestions, rather than a simple spelling/grammar checker.

Neither story is ready for reading yet, I'm working on them now. One is almost complete.

Thank you!
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