The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 22nd, 2016

March 22nd, 2016


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It's [info]daily_deviant's 10th Birthday.
To celebrate I wrote Snupin!

Title: Undone
Author(s): [info]alisanne
Artist(s): [info]shadowycat
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes: Anal, semi-clothed sex, up against the door sex, button kink.
Fic Length: ~2000
Art Media: pencil on paper
Artist's Notes:  Happy Ten Year Anniversary to Daily Deviant!  Thanks so much for allowing watchers to participate in your party.  And a very special thank you to my wonderful collaborator [info]alisanne for asking me to come and play! Working with you on this piece was a joy.  :D
Author’s Notes: Happy 10th Birthday, Daily Deviant! And I’m simply thrilled that [info]shadowycat agreed to collaborate! Thank you so much. This was a ton of fun, and I hope we have the chance to work together again in the future. ♥
Beta work done by the inimitable [info]sevfan and [info]emynn. Thank you so much, ladies.

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