The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 7th, 2012

January 7th, 2012

Snusa Reveals Day!

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Hi Snupin Santa Fans!

I hope you have enjoyed your week of reading and admiring art. I will be posting the reveals in a few hours (likely around 9:00 pm PST, but earlier if I can manage it), so you still have a short time left to read that last story or leave that last comment before the reveals. Then of course, you can still read and look to your heart's content after the reveals are up!! :)


FIC: Lustful Persuasions #7

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TITLE: Lustful Persuasions
AUTHOR: Wolfie (or Bagoas Alexandros if you prefer)

SUMMARY: Set during the Napoleonic Era, Sir Severus Snape and Lord Remus Lupin give into their attraction in a time when being in love and two men was a capital crime. Romance, balls, betrayal, gossip, the Frost Fair of 1815 and Waterloo...they survive it all, but will their love?

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, using the character of JK Rowling's Harry Potter books without permission or intent of infringement. The universe is alternative, set in historical time. Please do not publish prior to gaining fan fiction author's permission and do not read if you are considered a minor in your country of residence.

RATING: R for adult sexual and violent content

Part Seven

Part Six
Part Five
Part Four
Part Three
Part Two
Part One

Snupin Santa 2011 MASTER LIST

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Here it is! The MASTER LIST of all of the fic and art in Snupin Santa 2011. Gifts are listed by category (Art, Art and Fic, or Fic) and alphabetically by the author's name. ENJOY!

Snupin Santa 2011 Master List )

Amazing work everyone! Remember, it is never too late to read, look, comment, and enjoy the fest! *hugs*

Snupin Santa: The Oscar Speech

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Well, it was a great year for Snupin Santa. I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to step in and keep my favorite gift exchange running again this year. I wasn't a perfect mod by any stretch, I know, but it was a fun challenge and I really enjoyed working with everyone who participated.

I needed lots of help to make the fest happen. The steady backbone of the team was made up of [info]lore, [info]scribbulus_ink and kopernik. Laurie handled email for several months, and stepped in to help me get stories ready for uploading when I fell behind. McKay gave me acres of information about how the fest is run, and she uploaded every piece of art because that skill completely eluded me. :) Lore was there for me with any challenge or question, and has a mod's sixth sense for exactly what to say in any situation. In general, these three were my sounding board, the keepers of fest history, and just essential to making the fest run. Their years of building infrastructure, reputation, and high quality made it a breeze to just step in and do the day-to-day work.

A number of other people helped me very much. [info]karasu_hime made advertising banners early on. [info]nehalenia and [info]carolinelamb (along with kopernik>) helped me prep stories for uploading when I was in desperate need. [info]knowmefirst kept track of recs each week. [info]azure_rosa also stepped up a number of times to aid in communication and to cheerlead. When I asked for help, I cannot tell you how many people volunteered. Though I couldn't use you all, the support helped me tremendously.

Lastly, I have to thank our two fabulous pinch hitters, [info]summerborn and [info]woldy.

Sadly, not everyone made it to the end of the fest. Cut for unpleasantness: )

Above all, I need to thank all of the participants in the fest: writers, artists, readers, and commenters alike. You all made the work worth it every day. Thank you! *hugs*

Happy Snupin New Year!
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