The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 22nd, 2010

October 22nd, 2010

Looking for a beta

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Hi everyone!

I am looking for a beta for the Snupin Santa fic I am writing. Anyone interested? *big puppy eyes*

English is not my first language, so I could use some help with grammar, punctuation and stuff like that. Also see if it's coherent and that our boys aren't totally OOC :-)

I'm a returning participant so my deadline is November 15th. I will be away from November 3rd to the 9th, so my goal is to have the fic ready for betaing by the 3rd.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'm crossing my fingers that someone is willing to help me :D

A year of celebration begins....

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10 years ago today, the very first Snape/Lupin story that we know of was posted to the internet. A decade is a milestone in any relationship! This year, from now until the end of October, 2011, we'll be celebrating Severus and Remus' Tin Anniversary with one big-assed challenge and a host of other tributes through our work over the next 12 months.

Snape and Lupin's smiling heads bowed toward each other and the words "Ten Years of Snape/Lupin" written on the left next to the image.

The banner art is yours to use, and you should credit the lovely [info]zephre for the work. Thank you, Zeph! But wait, there's more....

Snape/Lupin faces base art by Omni_Sama Snape/Lupin faces with border art by Omni_Sama Snape/Lupin faces with Anniversary text icon by Omni_Sama Snape/Lupin faces with lyrics art by Omni_Sama Snape/Lupin faces with larger lyrics art by Omni_Sama

These icons are also for your use as long as you credit [info]omni_sama for the art. Omni is Rip_Von_Christ on LJ if you are using it there.

Year-Long Challenge: A Decade of Snape/Lupin

As for our year-long challenge, Omni has already kicked hers off already with the last two icons. The challenge is for you to come up with some sort of Snape/Lupin-related pursuit that you can do once a month for 12 months. This pursit is not meant to supercede your participation in other challenges over the next year, unless your pursuit is what you wish to focus on, of course! Omni is choosing to tell a story through icons and she will post one a month for the next 12 months.

Whatever you decide to do - write a story, post an art, participate in discussion, leave feedback, tell a joke, haiku, rec, craft, donate time to the community, beta, finish old works, create lists, etc. - you can post any time during the month. If what you choose to do, like leave feedback or volunteer, is not something that can easily be posted to the community, you can gather up links or testimony and make a post at the end of 12 months to "show your work". If you need ideas, ask on the community. I'm sure people will be happy to throw ideas at you!

Everyone who completes the challenge wins a $10 donation from me to the charity of your choice within reason (must be able to donate securely online, no hate organizations, etc.), up to $500 (to be determined by who posts earliest in the last month). If you want to encourage your friends to join in, you can work up a larger donation to a charity on which you can all agree. (I know I am often fail!cakes at prizes, which I have not let go of yet, but I will show my work in return via email receipts)

The time-period for the 10-Year Challenge is technically November 1, 2010 - October 31, 2011, but I am going to allow the first "month" to be starting now until November 30.

Questions? Concerns? Did I forget anything? Ask away! If you want to know more about how we determined this anniversary date, visit the ship overview at the Snape/Lupin Wiki. We salute Majolique for posting Hunters' Moon on October 22, 2000!

Ok, so now let's celebrate! Share with us here one or many of your favourite Snape/Lupin, SSRL or Snupin memories!

love, lore
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