The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 28th, 2010

September 28th, 2010

Fic: As a Raven's Wing (2/?; PG)

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Title:As a Raven's Wing
Chapter: 2: "Family and Foes"
Author: Omni (rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: PG (for this chapter...later chapters will vary)
Warnings: Can be considered crack (though not the whacky sort), blatant and not-so-blatant comic book knock-offs, unbetaed
Prompts: Batman, costumes (by zhyn and azurerosa in chat, respectively)
Summary: Munin is a mysterious figure. A brilliant mind, he assists the Aurors on occasion, especially when dealing with the odder cases. No one knows who he really is, though. They only know him as the man in black flowing robes and a raven mask.
Word Count: 2,500+
Note: Magical AU. Pretty much take the HP world, but remove the actual HP stories and replace them with tales like you'd see in the pages of a comic book.

BONUS! COMIC BOOK COVER ART BENEATH THE CUT. ...Or at least my failed attempt at such. =/

Chapter 1

Let the investigation begin... )

Chapter 3

May I direct your eyes over to....

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Lupin, Snape and Lily at a Sci Fi convention?

Title: Unconventional
Author/Artist: Secret!
Pairing(s): Lupin/Lily/Snape – friendship
Summary: Attending a local sci fi convention, Lily and Remus run into someone they would never have expected to meet.
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff; AU in that Lily and Severus are friends again after the Infamous Incident.
Author/Artist's notes: Thanks as always go to my magnificent alphas and betas. Also, I have to thank my auxiliary muse for her invaluable help with brainstorming and plotting.
Original Prompt: It's summer hols and the three of them run into each other at a local sci-fi convention. (Maybe all dressed up? maybe just Severus?) Hilarity ensues!

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