The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 11th, 2010

September 11th, 2010

Fic: Fuck, I'm Famous! (3/6)

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Title: Fuck, I’m Famous!

Progress: Part 3/6

Author: miffmiff

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Death was different from what Snape had expected. In particular, Death hadn’t expected Snape and sends him back to earth. If only he hadn’t told Potter about his memories! But a certain werewolf is always prepared to help those in need.

Genre: Humour

A/N: Thanks again to [info]azure_rosa for the beta! And thanks to all of you for your lovely comments :)

Part 1 | Part 2

*bing* )

countesszero dabbled in drabbles

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i am not sure wether my submissions can be called drabbles. but i really, really did enjoy the company of you all, my dear chat lupin_snape girls and ladies, and it was great fun to do this!

thank you so much, [info]azurerosa for organising this very entertaining morning (for most of you it was still night i know!)

you are a sweetheart!

the rating for all of the following five, ahem, drabbles is pg i think. please do not hesitate to tell me if i forgot a warning somewhere!

disclaimer: the harry potter universe is in its entirety the property of j.k. rowling. the author is making no profit by these stories.

drabbles or ficlets? )
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