The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 2nd, 2010

September 2nd, 2010

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My tiny contibution to yesterday's [info]bbtp_challengecan be found here 

There are a couple more snupin shorts as well and another by bonfoi (that she didn't post here) has multiple pairings including snupin.  Check them out!!

P.S.  The icon section is HOT  and so NWS!! *g*
P.P.S.  I know you need something to read while we slackers finish up our fantasy fest entries!!

Fantasy Fest Fic: A fresh start, by dungeons_master

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I hope it's okay to post this now... I'm really sorry for being so late, RL really got in the way, this time. And I mean Real Life, not Remus Lupin :P

Title: A fresh start
Rating: R/NC17
Word count: ~5000
Prompts: 32. Two weeks before POA start of term; staff is at school. It's hot, really, really hot. So hot, magic is static-y/unreliable. Staff is using any way they can think of to cool off. R catches S at his - be creative! Any rating, smut always welcome
48. Summer Heatwave in Hogwarts. It's getting really hot under those robes. Severus (or Remus) has found an unusual way to cool down. The other discovers it. Perhaps some teasing about this unusual way - or... blackmailing.
Warnings: Fluffy, clicheƩ and boring. Probably not what one would expect, looking at the prompts.

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