The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 28th, 2010

February 28th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: Journey's End by leni_jess [NC17]

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Today, I read Journey's End [NC17] (2009-02-25) by the talented author, [info]leni_jess. This piece was part of the 2009 [info]hpvalensmut celebration on LJ. I was blown away!

Warning: First time

Why I recommend it: This is one of those "missing pieces" of canon that fits effortlessly into the books as written. It explains so much and it reveals it as well. The pacing of the story pulls the reader along with Severus as he finally gives in to his hidden desire and his passion. Remus is a strong character, losing his own chains, to be with Severus.

My summary: To fly is to feel freedom. To land is to accept everything about life: pain, passion, and pleasure.
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