The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 26th, 2010

February 26th, 2010

Romantic Art Rec: * lick * by aleonic [PG13]

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Spreading the love, [info]aleonic created an LJ art gift for McKay in 2006 on the pies_and_sherry LJ site, known as * lick * [PG13] which took my breath away.

Why I recommend it: There's a vulnerability in letting a werewolf lick and nip your naked neck. Severus' pose and Remus' wrapping around him like ivy...their bodies so close, a sliver of moonlight couldn't find its way between them. It is love.

My summary: A moment, a gift of time, a turn of the head...there are a thousand words this drawing brings to mind.

Alternate site: Visit [info]aleonic's gallery.
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