The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 25th, 2010

February 25th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: (Not) Beauty and the Beast, A Fractured Fairy Tale by McKay [PG]

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(Not) Beauty and the Beast, A Fractured Fairy Tale by McKay [PG] (2005) is one of my favorite fairy tales brought to wonderful life with Severus and Remus. How could I not recommend it?

Why I recommend it: As I got into the fandom, I kept hearing about Mckay's stories and one day, I tracked some down. This little gem caught my eye and my fancy. It's not often an author takes a beloved fairy tale and really makes it his/her own. McKay does that and still leaves me loving the Grimms' Fairy Tale version I grew up with.

My summary: It's hard to stay enemies with a determined werewolf who knows when to employ tea laced with alcohol. It's even harder not to fall in love with said werewolf when all the shouting's done.

Please note the link goes to the story summary page at the archive, Chocolate Frog: McKay and Arionrhod's Fanfiction
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