The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 25th, 2010

January 25th, 2010

Repost: Fulfilled Longing, NC-17/NWS

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Title: Fulfilled Longing
Author: lore
Rating: NC-17/NWS
Pairing: Severus/Remus/Lily
Summary: James almost ruined their night, but not all silent desires go unfulfilled.
Warnings: Threesome
Notes: ~1450 words. Written for [info]hamimifk in the [info]dark_flowers' Fall Mini-Exchange.

There is a Valentine's edition of this Mini-Exchange taking sign-ups right now. I went over the word count, but I know the mod is wanting us to keep the MINI in the Mini-exchange this time around. Severus, Lily and Remus do not have to be in a threesome, but all three characters must feature prominently in the fic or art you produce. If you missed out on Snupin_Santa or are new, this is a great exchange for getting your feet wet. Sign-ups end Wednesday!

Severus couldn't protect his face as he slammed into the floor )

love, lore

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Excerpt from "A Lesson In Fear"

Paring: Snape/Lupin, mentions Sirius
Rating: PG-13 (NC-17 in later chapters)
Summary: Lupin remembers back when Snape tries to show him what he is missing. But, Lupin is sure Sirius can be good for him.

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