The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 15th, 2009

November 15th, 2009

Mod Post: Recipe, Calendar, SnuSa, links!, Participate, ninja....

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Happy November, gang! I know, I know, kind of a late mod note, but we've been running like such a well-oiled Snupin (mmm, well-oiled Snupin), I haven't felt the need to force you to endure my usual beginning-of-the-month babble. You get my mid-month babble, instead! ~_^


The Recipe Book Project runs until the end of the month, when our dear [info]drusillas_rain will then compile all your offerings into a downloadable cookbook. There's still time for you to submit! Remember, your offering can be based on any fic or art, not just your own work, as long as you use the template on the informational post. If you're interested in seeing what's been posted so far, check out the "project: recipe book" tag on LJ or IJ. Also, for future posts, be sure to use the tag - everyone has been doing a great job of it so far, thanks!

Artists, your Print Calendar art is due December 15. If you want some beta or have questions, please feel free to make use of the Snupin community.

Speaking of calendars, don't forget to change your desktop to the November calendar (if you haven't already)!

This lovely work comes to us via [info]omni_sama. Is anyone else sad the year is almost over? I know I am!

The [info]snupin_santa deadline is looming for return participants. Your submission or an extension request is due November 15. I'm not the Snupin_Santa mod, but I know from past experience that you will get a lot further with the mods if you stay in touch, rather than "disappear" if you're running behind on your deadline. Get those extension requests in, and be aware, you're unlikely to get more than a week. ^_^

McKay is taking the month off from the [info]snupin_prophet, which means you might be missing some Snupin links from outside the community. First, anyone who wants to post a link list may do so at any time, so if you're spotting Snape/Lupin that you want to make sure the community sees, go ahead and post a link for us. Second, you're welcome to post your own links from outside the community as well. Finally, I know there's been Lupin/Snape content at the following: [info]hp_halloween, Daily_Deviant on IJ, and at the Ownficfest on LJ (1 story, several ficlets in the giftlets).

Participate: There is a Lupin Big Bang now, Huzzah! Sign-ups are open and ongoing until the first-draft deadline. It seems the BB will be run a lot like our BLU, if that gives you an idea of what will be expected. The [info]severusbigbang's submission period is winding down, and I believe the deadline is today! Hp_Art_Tales looks interesting and there's no commitment if you wish to submit fic or art to be used for prompts in the fest, so you might want to check it out.

Two more things - There will be a Snupin Santa Supporter contest that I will announce in detail closer to the start of posting. I will say that the prize involves the other "thing" - Chocolate & Asphodel 2 will be up before midnight! Humm....what could the prize BE? ~_^

That's it for now! You're going to be hearing far too much from me over the next few hours. *HUGS ALL*

love, lore

Chocolate & Asphodel, volume 2

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We are so very pleased to present the fruit of many of our members' labors!

Chocolate and Asphodel, Volume 2

Volume 2 is clocking in lean and mean at 141 pages cover-to-cover, and there are several full-colour pieces of art, as well as illustrated stories and fresh work from new and saged writers!

Contributors to the zine include: [info]kittylefish, [info]karasu_hime, [info]undunoops, [info]dungeons_master, [info]littleblackbow/[info]chibitoaster, [info]scribbulus_ink, [info]arionrhod, [info]xterm, [info]dizilla/[info]dianamoon, [info]firefly124, [info]skitty_kat, [info]bonfoi, [info]ellid, BLU-contributor Chivalric, and more!

Chocolate and Asphodel, v.2 is a free download in Adobe PDF format, available as a whole, or in parts for those who are on slower connections.

Chocolate and Asphodel, v. 2

one file, 22.5MB
Chocolate & Asphodel, v.2
Part 1, 4MB
Part 2, 7MB
Part 3, 12MB
To download directly, Right-Click and choose "Save Target As"
or "download link", etc. ~SUGGESTED~
To download in your browser, left-click
your mouse as normal.

If you have any questions or spot any glaring errors or omissions, please let us know! The editors and contributors worked hard on this, and we all hope you enjoy it!

Most authors and artists included contact information in their bios, but for the few who didn't, and for your ease of use, there is a feedback post here.

Volume 1 can be found here.

Chocolate & Asphodel, v.2 Feedback Post

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The Snupin zine, Chocolate & Asphodel, v.2, had many contributors, and most have e-mail addresses listed in their bios. However, if you read something by someone who doesn't have contact info, or if you just prefer to use the journals for feedback, please feel free to use this post to leave comments for any contributor to Chocolate & Asphodel, v.2.

Contributors, you are free to repost your work starting December 15. There is a thumbtack button on this post that you can use to track comments to help you follow any feedback you might receive here.

Members, even after contributors start reposting their works, please don't hesitate to comment here if you think you might forget to go back and leave a comment on any zine material you see posted. These authors and artists worked very hard and waited a long time. Your comments are your thanks and support for the Zine project and might encourage future volumes to come! So, comment on one piece or many, come back and post here several times - whatever works for you. Thank you!
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