The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 7th, 2008

May 7th, 2008

Art: The Terror of the Knight Bus!

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Um. Well. Lee gave me a lovely couple of prompts for Dark Side month ... and then I did this with one of them.
I've got something serious in the works for the other. But I really had to get this out of my system and out of the way first.

Title: The Terror of the Knight Bus!
Rating: PG for hamminess
Prompt: Knight Bus

The moustache made me do it.

Ting ting!

Desperately seeking a beta reader...

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I know everyone is frantically busy at the moment - with RL school finals, and with the [info]pervy_werewolf LMoM & other projects!

I'm desperately seeking a beta-reader for a few snupin projects I'm starting to work on again, most urgently the fic for the [info]lupin_snape Darkfic May Challenge. As befits the theme, it is a darkfic (well, as dark as I can, anyway...), with (seeming) dub-con & coercion - although it does end happily.

The fic should be ready to read in about 1 week.

I would be grateful if anyone could help.

EDIT: Beta-reader found - thanks [info]florahart!
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