The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 29th, 2008

March 29th, 2008

Wiki update

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Just letting everyone know that I updated the Snape/Lupin wiki, specifically the RPG page, the Timeline page, and the Overview page. I also copied some of the information on the LJ Migration page to the Archives & Communities page. The RPG update came from the links given here, which are some months out of date, so if anything new has sprung up since then or was not mentioned in the comments of that post, let me know.

If you have any resources that could be added to the wiki, feel free to drop me a link in the comments. Links to RL/SS artist/author websites and RL/SS RPGs are especially helpful. I'll be pretty busy through the first week of May, so I don't promise the links will be added immediately, but I'll save them and will definitely add them.

For newcomers to the ship, the Snape/Lupin wiki is a resource with links to all kinds of Snape/Lupin related material from archives to mailing lists to a history of the ship. It's a good place for new shippers to find out what's out there and where, and it's a helpful resource for old timers in the ship to find links they might have lost.

Family Fest Art: Story Time (G)

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Title: Story Time
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Characters: Severus/Remus, Teddy, Hope (OC)
Summary: Story time in the Lupin-Snape household.
Warnings: ambiguously mpreg
Medium: Photoshop
Notes: For the [info]lupin_snape Family Fest prompt, "Snape and Lupin reading/reenacting a bedtime story."

(image at my journal)
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