The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 27th, 2008

March 27th, 2008

help needed

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I'm taking on a rather large project (for my standards) for which I'll be in dire need of help. I shall call it the riding!Snupin AU for now, and no, it will not be cracky.

I'm looking for one or two people who have extensive knowledge of horses and backhorse riding, English style, and can communicate their knowledge in English. I've been around horses for the majority of my life, but as much as I know, I can only communicate my knowledge in German, my mother tongue.

What I'd like you to do is discuss horsemanship-y accuracy with me, read along while I'm writing, generally share your experience with horses (and the humans belonging to them) with me, try to translate the terms I'm looking for into something that sounds vaguely English (while still being understandable to those who have never had anything to do with horses. If that's possible). No "actual" beta work is involved unless you specifically ask to do it. I don't even know about what time frame I'm talking here - I've never taken on such a large project so ass-kicking may be involved as well. My guess, taking other commitments into account, would be roughly two months.

Anyone who might be interested?

Feel free to email me at for further information, ping me at Y!M under envinyatar15 or MSN under Comments are screened.

Ficlet:: Liberty, Etc. (PGish)

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So I ought to focus whole-heartedly on studying rights and constitutions, or on reading Snupin, but I can't seem to separate the two.  This is just a bit of fluffy argument to pass the time.  Not beta-ed.

Title: Liberty, Etc.
Rating: PGish
Disclaimer: Not mine, not remotely.
Word Count: 238
Notes:  The lack of anything but dialogue is mostly my laziness, but we can pretend it's in homage to [info]blpaintchart, who does it so well.

Onward! )
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