The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 21st, 2008

February 21st, 2008

Fic post: War Wounds, Part 5

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Title: War Wounds, Part 5
Rating: PG-13 for pre-slash and concepts
Summary: two war casualties meet in St. Mungo's. Can they aid each other while the rest of the world goes on its way?
Note: this is DH-compatible. The other parts can be found here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

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Not What We Seem - Cliche Month Ficclet

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Title: Not What We Seem
Pairing: Lupin/Snape (Pre-Slash)
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,474
Summary: There's more to Severus Snape than what he appears, and it just takes a while to find a way to show it.
Author's Notes: This fic is a bit of two birds with one stone. It's intended to be a birthday gift to [info]zephre and almost is my attempt at a ficlet for cliche month at [info]lupin_snape. I've been reading a bit in between working on other projects and I came across the fact that Remus is often stating that they're good together because of their shared past. One thing led to another and Severus gave his opinion on the thought. Also with the Zodiac meme that went around I've been hip deep in astrology (a fun interest on the side) and I used quite a bit of that in the story (which becomes almost another cliche in and of itself). Please excuse the fact that this isn't beta-ed and was mostly a fast work that I pumped out in between calls at work.

Not What We Seem )

Art: Bedtime Snugglage

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Just a sketchy little thing I did while listening to radio 4. A bit of post-coital snuggling for our boys.
Nothing rude, just some bare chests and nipples!

Aww bless )
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