The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 1st, 2008

February 1st, 2008

Art: Birth of a Misunderstanding (page 2)

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Title: Birth of a Misunderstanding --Page 2
Artist: Omni (aka rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: PG(13?)-ish for implied things
Summary: Scene from [info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink's "Better to Copulate than Never". Over all this comic will end up depicting the practice kiss scene, starting from the time Remus is walking in the hall towards Severus' workroom.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. I don't even own the situation. I just own the scribbles.
Notes: Mostly done in oC, with text and a couple other things added in Photoshop. Text for the cut link is direct quote from the fic.

Remus' stomach clenched at that, images of Severus lying in a wanton sprawl beneath Bill, relaxed with sated pleasure, crowding his mind. )

Art: Birth of a Misunderstanding (page 3)

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Title: Birth of a Misunderstanding --Page 3
Artist: Omni (aka rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: PG(13?)-ish for implied things
Summary: Scene from [info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink's "Better to Copulate than Never". Over all this comic will end up depicting the practice kiss scene, starting from the time Remus is walking in the hall towards Severus' workroom.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. I don't even own the situation. I just own the scribbles.
Warnings: MORE blatant copy-and-pasting
Notes: Mostly done in oC, with text and speech bubbles added in Photoshop. Everything they are saying and the text for the cut link are direct quotes from the fic.

...he peeked inside, relieved to see that Severus was on one side of the worktable while Bill was leaning on his elbows on the other side )

There probably won't be any more pages until about this time next week, due to school and work getting in the way. Plus I still have to write my Trading Places fic. >_>
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