The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 31st, 2008

January 31st, 2008

Trading Places Fic: When Will You Forgive Me? (G/PG)

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Rating: G/PG
Author/Artist: Artwork done by [info]omni_sama, written piece by [info]marauderswolf
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Severus/Remus
Word Count: Approximately 600. One shot. *valiantly ignores the levitating pen, paper, chocolate and quilts being proffered by the muse*
Warnings: Angst. Just angst. (Maybe some tears on the side.)
Summary: Remus seeks forgiveness from Severus shortly after the incident at the Shrieking Shack. Will Severus give it?
Notes: Thanks to auberus for the quick beta services! You are fabulous, hon! 

Click here to go to my IJ for the fic, please. Thank you!

Art: Birth of a Misunderstanding (page 1)

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So, when I did my trading places thing for [info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink's wonderful "Better to Copulate than Never", I made mention of possibly illustrating another scene as well. Turns out that the scene I want to do will take more than one page. As a result, I shall (if it is alright with the authors) make a several-page comic/manga/whatever of one of my favorite scenes. This is the first page. More will come as I have time to make them.

Title: Birth of a Misunderstanding --Page 1
Artist: Omni (aka rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: PG(13?)-ish for implied things
Summary: Over all this comic will end up depicting the practice kiss scene, starting from the time Remus is walking in the hall towards Severus' workroom.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. I don't even own the situation. I just own the scribbles.
Warnings: The first two panels suck. Sorry.
Notes: Mostly done in oC, with text, speech bubbles, and thought circles added in Photoshop. What Bill is saying is quoted directly from the fic, as is the text for the cut link below.

...he rose to his feet, shouldered his satchel, and set off in search of Severus. )
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