The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 16th, 2008

January 16th, 2008


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Title: Wax
Author: [info]bronze_ribbons
Rating: PG
Pairings: Lupin/Snape
Challenge: Trading Places. Inspired by [info]omni_sama's marvelous Developing a Potion without Taking the Credit (or: Severus' Messy Desk)
Summary: What do you consider worse -- reaching beyond one's grasp, or refusing what's within reach?
Disclaimer: No malice intended, no profit expected.
Words: ~ 1400
Beta: the ever-wonderful [info]aunty_marion

It was good luck, for a change, that he had come across Belby's article the previous month. )

Art: Cleans Up Well (G)

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Title: Cleans Up Well
Artist: Omni (aka rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: G
Challenge: Trading Places
Summary: Art for the wonderful fic Better to Copulate Than Never, co-written by [info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. I don't even own the situation. I just own the scribbles.
Warnings: Shoujo sparkles
Notes: I had the rough sketch of this finished the night of claiming (minus some alterations/additions made later), but it took a few days before I had the time to sit down and shade this. =/ I want to do at least one other scene from this fic, too. It's such a fun story! Text for the cut is a quote from the fic.

Remus knew he was staring, but he couldn't seem to help himself )
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