Apr. 18th, 2013


Fancy meeting you here (Bo/Methos log, cont. in comments)

Bo didn’t know where to go, but she didn’t think staying at the house was the smartest idea. At least not yet. The dead guy had said that there might be some who wouldn’t care for her kind, and she supposed that was true even back home. She supposed it could be worse, much worse.

Rather than focus on just how screwed her life had become, she decided to focus on getting to know where she was. This place felt different than the last. She couldn’t explain it, but she knew that something was different. It wasn’t just the way everything looked, but there was a definite feel to it. This was not wherever she’d been.

So, it was with a sigh, she sat down at a cafe to eat something normal people ate. Well, normal people with money. She might have gotten someone else to pay for the muffin and coffee. She needed to find an ally, a real ally. At least Johnny wasn’t an enemy, but that wasn’t exactly the same as someone who may possibly on the off chance care that she existed and remained living.

---- )

Mar. 3rd, 2013


This is getting old (Harry)

Waking up was instant for Methos, it always had been after spending so many years as a mercenary killing machine with three partners he wasn't quite sure wouldn't decide to stab him in the back at some point.

This time when he woke up he was in a large and comfortable wingback chair with his sword laying across his lap with his hand on the hilt and the scabbard like he was ready for an attack in his sleep. He hadn't been this way before and he didn't recognize the room at all.

This was definitely starting to get old.


Feb. 17th, 2013


Meet the new world same as the old world...or not (open)

He was getting tired of this.

The last time he'd ended up standing in front of a library in a lovely town called Metropolis. This time he woke up in a bed that wasn't the one he went to sleep in and he was in some place that was different again.

Now the waking up in a strange bed had happened before in his life but usually it was a little different than this. Methos was fairly sure he hadn't even died this time. In fact the last thing he remembered from the night before was having a bottle of wine with Amanda and MacLeod. Not even enough to be drunk but he honestly didn't remember going to bed either.

"Electric City. Lovely." Walking around the grid of streets Methos was getting a sense that he definitely wasn't in Kansas anymore. The buildings were all lower than the ones in Metropolis and rather more full of character. It was the cafe that finally brought a small smile to his face when he saw it. The lights were low and the music sounded like it could come directly from Joe Dawson and his guitar.

"Finally, my kind of place." If nothing else it would be a good place to stop and try to figure things out while he had a drink or two. Everything went down better with a drink.