Jan. 17th, 2013


The sea, the sea (Sabev, Ilyien, Thiele)

It wasn't her ship, but she'd sure as hell taken it over the first chance she'd gotten. She didn't feel bad for it, either. These bastardos didn't deserve the magnificent creature she was now captain of.

Sympathy had woken up deep in the belly of the boat, the familiar swaying instantly recognizable. She hadn't been on the water when she'd gone to sleep. Which meant that they had kidnapped her. Possibly thinking that they might get a wench out of it. Maybe to try to ransom her, thinking she was some rich man's daughter. She'd been wearing the dress of one, after all. Of course, she'd stolen it. After looking around some, discovering a massive churning, loud, contraption that put off heat, Sympathy made up her mind on what to do. She would take it. The whole thing. So one by one, she found and killed the captain, the first mate and the boson, tossing their bodies over the side. She gave the crew two options. Join their fellows in the ocean, or work for her. They all opted to work.

She had gotten them to show her how to quiet the noise in the ship, though many protested that it was what propelled them forward. She just pointed at the great masts and the sails attached. Which just confused them further.

The ship was not exactly like what she knew. It was large and wooden, yes. The sails were there, yes. The steering was done not out in the air, but in a little hut over the captain's quarters. There were lights and dials, instruments that looked like compasses, but were not. Many things that Sympathy started to ask about but waved off once she figured out she didn't need them to actually make the thing go. Without the terrific clamor down below, these things by the wheel made no difference. Again, the crew protested about the use of the sails. They would get further faster if she would let them turn the engine back on. Sympathy had no idea what an engine was, and she didn't want to hear their tall tales. They shot so many strange words at her. Replica. Movie prop. To the point that she threatened to drown the next man who spoke up about it in his own blood.

Land, they told her, was a few days away still. Sympathy didn't care. If the ship didn't need to resupply, she would have kept them on the water longer, straying from whatever foolish course they'd been on. All she cared about was that she was again the captain. Her new ship was called the Anna Cortez.