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Feb. 25th, 2012


package delivered to Clare Montgomery )

Feb. 24th, 2012


Owl to George Weasley )

Feb. 17th, 2012


Characters: Theodore Nott
Location: Hogwarts Castle
Time: Around 5am; Thursday
Rating: PG, suggestions of animal cruelty
Status: Complete

it was time to get up )


WHO Order of the Phoenix members
WHAT Order meeting
WHEN Friday late afternoon/early evening
WHERE 12 Grimmauld Place, London
WARNINGS Currently none? (Probably language when Danger pops in!)

This is going to be a little different. )

Feb. 16th, 2012


WHO: Terry Boot
WHAT: Graffiti
WHEN: Early hours of Thursday morning
WHERE: Entrance hall

If he couldn't argue in class or write in the journals without earning triple detentions for the rest of the year, he would use a new medium. )

In the Entrance Hall:


On a wall of the dungeons:


Feb. 13th, 2012


WHO: Sturgis Podmore and Dedalus Diggle
WHERE: Department of Half-Blood Monitoring
WHEN: Sunday night, very late into the night.
WHAT: A declaration of war.

Nobody should live in fear of their government. Instead, governments should be afraid of their people. )

Feb. 11th, 2012



Who: Snape and Ddore
Where: Ddore's prison, tower, Hogwarts
When: Saturday later afternoon
Rating: medium, I guess.
Status: Complete!

The things I do, Albus. I've long since accepted there will be no forgiveness for them )


who sirius black
what coming to a realisation
when 11 feb
where his office
rating mild; there's a bit of swearing
where innocence is burned )


WHO: Cedric Diggory
WHERE: his flat
WHEN: Friday night, after he collects the diary from Adrian
WHAT: Horcrux, what?

No, no, it is yours to write all that which you wish to be truly concealed )

Feb. 10th, 2012


Owl to Cedric Diggory )

Feb. 6th, 2012


who: Ted and Lily
what: meeting!
where: Grimmauld
when: backdated to Sunday morning, because Katie is the Worst Sick Ever

Hello, Lily. )


Characters: Mandy Brocklehurst and Terry Boot
Location: Ravenclaw 7th year boys' dormitory
Time: 6 February
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Got the salve, what did you do this time? )

Feb. 5th, 2012


WHO Lily (mentions of James, Harry, Peter)
WHAT Making a decision
WHEN 4th of February
WHERE Potters' home

Do you remember the school Albus told us about? We're leaving for there today. )

Feb. 4th, 2012


who: George, Angelina, Dora, Hermione
when: Saturday afternoon
what: George needs to stop being a Wizard for a bit. Too much guilt.

He didn't have his wand, this was the oddest feeling in the world. )

Feb. 1st, 2012


owl to Mrs Malfoy

Dear Mrs Malfoy,

First, let me say that I am glad that you and I have managed to come together over something that will be mutually beneficial.

I have a sampling of three tidbits for you:
1. Socrates joined Flora for a tutoring of a younger year. Two purebloods, both without a betrothal - simple tutoring, or something more?
2. Pansy returned, wearing a rather sparkly pink ring. Seems Crabbe's finally figured out what he needs to do to keep her mind off Theodore!
3. Speaking of, Theodore is rumored to be looking to import a foreign bride, no doubt his failure of an engagement has turned many away from wanting to hitch their daughters to the Nott line!

This is just a small selection, I'll let you lead the negotiations for payment plans for any and all future gossip.


Jan. 30th, 2012


who: Snape and Lily
when: night of the 29th / early morning of the 30th
where: Forbidden forest/groundkeepers hut
what: Snape saved Lily's life ... now they talk face to face.

I promised not to kill you because I never could. Not then, not now )


Placeholder for Igor/Voldemort


who: James, Lily, Snape, Igor
when: January 29th
where: Forbidden Forest
what: plot of dooooooom
rating: high, for doooooom

It was I, Lord, who ended a 16 year hunt. I deliver to you, James Potter. )

Jan. 29th, 2012


who: George and Hagrid
When: night of the 29th
where: Forbidden forest
what: mishap and mayem, good plans gone terribly terribly wrong

I was born ready )

Jan. 27th, 2012


Who: Flora and Ernie
What: Prefect rounds
When: After curfew
Where: Castle
Warnings: None?

Read more... )

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