Oct. 29th, 2011


Who: Arthur and Alecto
What: A heart to heart
Where: Ministry holding cells
Rating: it's actually pretty mild.

Okay, she was unimaginative for only using Cruciatus, but it was effective. Especially with her whip. Why bother changing it up? Besides, she wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, never had been. )

Oct. 25th, 2011


Who: Fred and Alecto
What: mind torture
When: Friday
Where: Ministry holding cells.
Rating: high, for violence

chinese water torture is better than this )

Oct. 22nd, 2011


Who: Fred Weasley and Alecto Black
What: Serving out his jail sentence
When: Day One
Why: Because Fred’s a bit mouthy
Warnings: R - for torture
Status: Complete for Day One. Following Days still in progress

Day One )

Oct. 14th, 2011


Who: Sirius and Alecto Black
What: Conversation; or, Sirius has a bad habit lately of leaving the castle
Where: Their home in Hogsmeade
When: Friday Night, after this dinner with Draco.
Rating: PG13?
Status: Complete.

When did Sirius become the sort to want to be around his wife so much? What was happening to him? )


owl to Mr. (Fred) Weasley )

Sep. 30th, 2011


Who: Arthur and Alecto
What: Arthur gets tortured
Where: Ministry Holding Cells
When: Friday morning, just before Arthur’s trial
Rating: high, for violence

Arthur, your daughter has quite a mouth on her )

Sep. 28th, 2011


Owl delivered to Pansy Parkinson )



Howler, delivered to Draco L. Malfoy at supper time )

Sep. 16th, 2011


Who: Alecto and Sirius
What: they fight, they're tender, they fight, they're tender ... on and on it goes
Where: Black residence, Hogsmeade
When: Immediately following Sirius' talk with the Supreme Lord
Rating: high, for violence

Alecto and Sirius, 101 )