Feb. 11th, 2012


who sirius black
what coming to a realisation
when 11 feb
where his office
rating mild; there's a bit of swearing
where innocence is burned )


WHO: Cedric Diggory
WHERE: his flat
WHEN: Friday night, after he collects the diary from Adrian
WHAT: Horcrux, what?

No, no, it is yours to write all that which you wish to be truly concealed )

Feb. 5th, 2012


WHO Lily (mentions of James, Harry, Peter)
WHAT Making a decision
WHEN 4th of February
WHERE Potters' home

Do you remember the school Albus told us about? We're leaving for there today. )

Dec. 17th, 2011


Who: Dora Tonks
What: Dora goes shopping.
Where: Paris
When: Saturday
Rating: Quite low.
Note: Roll your mouse over text for translation.

A week away from Christmas Eve was the perfect time to be forgettable )

Dec. 12th, 2011


let's rob a bank.

Who: Bill, with mentions of Fred and George
What: robbing a bank vault, narrative!log
Where: Gringott's
When: Monday afternoon

Bill couldn't be nervous during the meeting, and it took every bit of strength to remain jovial )

Nov. 18th, 2011


Who: Ginny Weasley
What: Making a stand
Where: Hogwarts, Hogsmeade
When: Friday night, post-curfew, around midnight
Rating: G
Status: Complete, Mini-Log

Plot Notes: Over night tonight (Friday), Ginny Weasley will plaster signs like the one above up all over the castle, in as many corridors, outside the toilets, and classrooms and stairs, and outside the Great Hall. Your character WILL see them. Then she will leave school and plaster the posters up around Hogsmeade Village, in as many places as she can, before taking a portkey to an undisclosed location.

The posters are many and varied, all with photos of Harry Potter at varies ages, both Muggle and wizarding photos. They all contain a similar message but there are MANY photos that appear.

Oct. 28th, 2011


Who: Ginny Weasley
What: Breakfast; showing off her battle scars?
Where: The Great Hall
When: Saturday morning
Rating: Low
Status: Complete; Mini-Log

The night before had been hell for Ginny. )

Oct. 22nd, 2011



Who: Peter Pettigrew [Narrative]
What: Peter goes to the Ministry!
When: Friday morning, 10 AM
Warnings: G
Status: Complete

You're sure you have the right person, right? )