.:all along the watchtower:.

a Lightning War readers' discussion community

2/12/10 16:07 - [info]tiferet - First Candle, Chanukah 5771


7/2/10 03:09 - [info]tiferet - We aten't dead...

Really, we're not, though it may seem like we have been.

This is what's been going on:

* I've had an attack of Real Life. In May, Emma had to step down as mod and I had to figure out how to replace her; in June I got involved with the protests against the hijacked elections in Iran; in August I got really burnt out from that and some other stuff and started blowing off steam on Poupee a lot; in October, my father died, and I had to go back to West Virginia and settle stuff out through the first part of November; in November and December, a bunch of other people at my job had family emergencies and in December I was basically the only admin in my office at all. To the point where I was going in sick because there was nobody to cover for me. I'm starting to get caught up at work and in life again now. However, in January, [info]puzzlement had a baby (yay!!!) and I got two new cats (also yay!!!).

* Between May and now, we've been working on revising old posts and the wiki. We are slowly but steadily working toward creating a consistent continuity that we will feel good enough about to be able to recruit people again.

These are our plans for the future:

* We have two communities on IJ, the one we are currently using and another one I created as a backup. In the one we are currently using we will finish out the day that's currently happening and maybe a few things after. When we resume play, however, whether or not we are done with that, we will be using the second community, so that we can continue to work in the old one as an archive. The new community will be the next plot arc starting in December of 1942. It will be at least a month before we start.

* Most importantly, we are moving everything but the character journals and in-character community to Dreamwidth. LJ continues to fail massively in many ways. We want to support Dreamwidth. We would move the characters to Dreamwidth if they did not have incompatible journal ownership policies (the mods need to own character journals, not players who may come and go) and if we were not intending to move to our own server within a year or so.

* This journal/community will remain here, but instead of posting here we will be posting links to Dreamwidth. We would prefer to close commenting here and have you all comment on the DW posts and we probably will do that. We are aware that you need a DW account to join DW communities. I have something like 28 invite codes; just ask me. The same thing will happen with the OOC community and the fiction/fanart community.

Thanks for your support. Again: WE ATEN'T DEAD. We just went wandering.

21/4/09 16:19 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap, 29 March-20 April 2009

Game date and time: Thursday evening, 17 September 1942:

31 new posts! )

29/3/09 01:53 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 12-28 March 2009

Game date and time: Thursday afternoon and evening, 17 September 1942:

22 new posts! )

12/3/09 02:23 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 2 February--11 March 2009

Game date and time: Thursday afternoon, 17 September 1942:

18 new posts! )

2/2/09 00:36 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 27 January - 1 February 2009

Game date and time: Thursday afternoon, 17 September 1942:

24 new posts! )

29/1/09 09:49 - [info]tiferet - Music for unkillable blonde bombshells, aspiring and otherwise :)

I will not rip this song for you and put it in a play list, because you should buy it--my friend [info]cadhla wrote it, and it's on her new album Red Roses and Dead Things, which you should go and buy right now.

Not just because she wants the CDs out of her bedroom but also because the album, like everything else Seanan does, is awesome.

However, this song right here, "Protective Coloration"--which I hadn't heard before I got the CD--is a theme song for at least 16 Lightning War characters.

(Actually, the cut tag to the latest Liane & Michel post is from one of Seanan's songs, which is really funny, because that was a song about HER game, Martin's Passage. And that song was on Stars Fall Home which you should also totally buy.)

27/1/09 00:17 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 30 December 2008-26 January 2009

Game date and time: Thursday morning and early afternoon, 17 September 1942:

33 new posts! )

29/12/08 23:08 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 14-24 December 2008

Game date and time: Thursday morning and early afternoon, 17 September 1942:

23 new posts! )

13/12/08 23:45 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 30 November-12 December 2008

Game date and time: Thursday morning, 17 September 1942:

11 new posts! )

28/11/08 18:23 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 15-27 November 2008

Game date and time: Wednesday evening-Thursday morning, 16-17 September 1942:

30 new posts! )

15/11/08 05:41 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 1-14 November 2008

Game date and time: Wednesday evening, 16 September 1942:

22 new posts! )

2/11/08 17:37 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 17-31 October 2008

Game date and time: Wednesday morning and afternoon, 16 September 1942:

43 new posts! )

17/10/08 00:57 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 2-16 October 2008

Game date and time: Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, 15-16 September 1942:

27 new posts! )

3/10/08 01:00 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 18 September-2 October 2008

Game date and time: Tuesday afternoon and evening, 15 September 1942:

40 new posts! )

18/9/08 02:17 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 9-18 September 2008

Game date and time: Tuesday morning and afternoon, 15 September 1942:

34 new posts! )

8/9/08 15:21 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 27 August-8 September 2008

Game date and time: Monday night-Tuesday morning, 14-15 September 1942:

46 new posts! )

25/8/08 02:32 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 9-22 August 2008

Game date and time: Monday evening, 14 September 1942:

15 new posts! )

11/8/08 01:20 - [info]jamoche - [info]lightning_war post retro recap: Mar 23-28, 2006

Game date and time: Thursday, 20 August 1942.

34 posts! )

9/8/08 19:49 - [info]tiferet - [info]lightning_war post recap: 27 July-8 August 2008

Game date and time: Monday afternoon and evening, 14 September 1942:

29 new posts! )

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