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Late Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, in the Great Hall of the Royal Academy... [01.06.09|04:10]

[Mood |indescribable]

...strobe lights and blown speakers, fireworks and hurricanes: I'm not here, this isn't happening... )

[info]casaubon, [info]voci_umbrarum (Emily Chattox) and [info]truthinartifice

Open thread for events in the Great Hall. Do not thread/indent comments; we will repost if there are errors. This one could get pretty long.
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Letters from Ercole Malaspina, dated 17 September 1942... [12.05.09|17:40]

[Mood |determined]

Warded with surprising power, given that the writer has no access to formal magical tools:

To Charis Leffoy: )


To Dracaena Leffoy: )

To Florian Leffoy: )

To Aelia Malaspina: )

To Isabella Malaspina: )

To Marco Malaspina: )

To Mercutio Malaspina: )
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Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, in the Great Hall of the Royal Academy... [11.05.09|15:04]

[Mood |worried]

...fire come and carry us, make us shine or make us rust, tell us that you care for us, we need to hear a word for us... )

[info]brightmechanism, [info]lamerveilleuse, [info]loveanddarkness, [info]madimi, [info]prince_florian, [info]sabedoria (Hypatia Scalara),[info]voci_umbrarum (Emily Chattox, Ambrose Lovelace, Clarissa Pucey, Claudia Warrington) and [info]flintlock
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Letters from Dracaena Leffoy, sent the evening of 17 September 1942... [24.04.09|15:01]

[Mood |numb]

Strongly warded, sealed with her seal, enciphered where appropriate:

To Frank Abbott: )


To Isaac Bradbury: )

To Estrid Frealaf: )

To Yvon Leffoy: )

To Félix Rosenthal: )

To Jameson Wilkes: )
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Note left on Surya Ayyar's laboratory door, late evening 17 September 1942... [22.04.09|00:27]

[Mood |concerned]

Carefully warded:


Gates are down in southern Hibernia and there's a lightning rain going on at the Academy. Your brother and his boyfriend Piccard went up there--apparently Piccard knows how to stop them--so I suppose they'll bring your cousins down when they come back to Londinium, as soon as the rains are over and it's safe to travel again. Walsingham and Linden went up there, too.

You probably have some preparations you want to make; I've known Viresh since we worked together in Nouvelle Orleans, and I can't imagine he knows what to do with children, even if they are in their teens and not babies.

If we haven't left by the time you read this, Tatsie and I are probably still upstairs with Taverner. Let us know if you need any help.


PS: Yes. Piccard. Apparently Trevelyan was a nom-de-guerre. Wonder what that's about, don't you?

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Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, in the library of the Royal Academy of Wizardry... [15.04.09|17:43]

[Mood |busy]

...can you look out the window without your shadow getting in the way... )

[info]theoktonic and [info]paladina

Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, somewhere over Europe... [15.04.09|14:09]

[Mood |desperate]

...only God knows where I've been all this time, and the wind howls my name... )

[info]fife and [info]eudokia

Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, in the Trevelyans' withdrawing room on Lyonesse... [14.04.09|13:39]

[Mood |scared]

...you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed... )

[info]trevelyans (Lanval and Eglantine Trevelyan)

Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, on the Frealaf family estates... [13.04.09|01:39]

[Mood |pessimistic]

...the Moon blesses your grand shape with light; fierce winds will fill your weaved dress anew--you wake up to the Gods' call, ready for the last march... )

[info]scripsit (Cyneheard, Aegenwulf, Ingweald and Mindred Frealaf), [info]lieundermytree and [info]northerlywings

Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, underneath the Royal Academy of Wizardry... [10.04.09|17:31]

[Mood |high]

...angels in the architecture, spinning in infinity... )

[info]michelrosenthal and [info]standingwave

Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, in the Great Hall of the Royal Academy of Wizardry... [10.04.09|13:44]

[Mood |angry]

...don’t get caught, don’t get spent, don’t get bought, don’t sell out, don’t get bent, don’t fuck your best friend, if everything is just the way it should be, why am I why am I still hungry... )

[info]ladyduellist and [info]celerity
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Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, in the Great Hall of the Royal Academy of Wizardry... [10.04.09|11:06]

[Mood |guilty]

...I can’t go no place without somebody pointin’ a finger, I can’t show my face ‘cause when it comes to rumours I’m a dead ringer, it seems from rumors I just can’t get away, I bet there’ll even be rumours floatin’ around on Judgment Day... )

[info]voci_umbrarum (Audrey Erskine, Mary Walsh) and [info]epistle_of_paul
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Early Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, at the Royal Academy... [25.03.09|17:10]

[Mood |determined]

...roof slips beneath my feet as the branches back away from me; the softest grass turns to concrete, but I will fly--I will fly--you will see... )

[info]madwatchmaker, [info]michelrosenthal, [info]moruith, [info]standingwave and [info]finaldefence

Early Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, at the Royal Academy... [25.03.09|16:40]

[Mood |restless]

...I can smell the rain coming but I won't leave until it falls; I'm gonna soak in its downpour ‘til I hear my mother call; I am playing God, I am raising hell; as far as I can tell, I am all alone--alone in this world, alone with you... )

[info]septenary (Linden Hill), [info]corinne_camille, [info]factbusters (Eliot Gardiner), [info]madwatchmaker, [info]moruith, [info]standingwave, [info]truthinartifice, [info]viresh and [info]michelrosenthal

Early Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, at the Royal Academy... [24.03.09|12:07]

[Mood |frustrated]

...because the drugs never work, they're gonna give you a smirk, cause they got methods of keeping you clean; they're gonna rip off your heads, your aspirations to shreds, another cog in the murder machine... )

[info]fairlight, [info]hadrian, [info]jenica and [info]septenary (Jezebel Walsingham)

Early Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, at the Royal Academy... [24.03.09|11:38]

[Mood |determined]

...help on the way, I know only this: I've got you today, don't fly away, 'cause I love what I love and I want it that way... )

[info]divine_alchemy, [info]fairlight, [info]hadrian, [info]jenica, [info]pan_ili_propal, [info]stepan, [info]swallowsflight, [info]voci_umbrarum (Emily Chattox), [info]zsuzsanna, and [info]vilem

Early Thursday evening, 17 September 1942, at the Royal Academy... [17.03.09|16:44]

[Mood |scared]

...here in this far off place, my air is not this time and space: I draw you close with every breath, you don't know it's right until it's wrong, you don't know it's yours until it's gone... )

[info]diotima, [info]parsival, [info]voci_umbrarum (Professor Jehanne-Marie Stuart) and [info]practicalkat

Royal Academy school post, delivered early Thursday evening 17 September 1942... [17.03.09|16:25]
[Mood |uncomfortable]

Delivered to Inquisitor J Wm Goyle, Professor Emily Chattox, Tom Forrester and Amalthea Flint:

Dear Inquisitor Goyle, Magistra Chattox, Mr Forrester and Miss Flint,

I believe that the matter we are dealing with tonight may affect Miss Kathleen Loveday adversely; therefore Professor Stuart and I have called her up to the Divination office to do some more intensive readings. We are sending Miss Diotima Starn, who is also affected, to collect her, as we understand that her sister will be required to assist with the evacuation.

Parsival Mathers

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Royal Academy school post, delivered early Thursday evening, 17 September 1942... [17.03.09|15:08]

[Mood |working]

Delivered to all prefects and members of the Squad before supper:

By order of Inquisitor Goyle:

Everyone is ordered to report to their common room. Prefects and squad members are instructed to see that everyone packs a bag (in less than five minutes' time) and reports to the Great Hall, where we will be spending the night. We will be evacuating the Academy in the morning; belongings will be returned to you at home later. Professor Potter and I will be in charge in the Great Hall and we speak with the voice of the Inquisitor.

I will not tell you not to be alarmed, for that would be ridiculous. If there were no cause for concern, we would not be taking these actions. However, there are teams coming here from the War Bureau and St Pantaleon's to deal with the emergency, and we have determined that the Great Hall is the safest place to assemble. Please do not panic, and proceed to the Hall in an orderly fashion, so that there will be less work for the team from St Pantaleon's.

Paulina Gardiner
St Hilda's College

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Late Thursday afternoon, 17 September 1942, in Professor Goyle's office at the Royal Academy... [17.03.09|13:46]

[Mood |determined]

...everyone will suffer the fire we’ve made: they all explode just the same, and there’s no going back on the plans we’ve made... )

[info]peverells, [info]blackvalerian, [info]michelrosenthal, [info]pendle_mist, [info]practicalmagick, [info]rcmp_wizard, [info]sabedoria (Hypatia Scalara), [info]standingwave, [info]voci_umbrarum (Emily Chattox) and [info]truthinartifice

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