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[10.17.12, 9p]

Finally got my dog through customs, that was a fiasco in and of itself. Good thing I had all his stuff as an American Staffordshire Terrier and not an American Pit Bull Terrier. Sad part is, they acted like I was trying to import a serial killer. Definitely relieved that all of that mess is done and over with now. Now that I'm done bitching, I'm Alex, the new veterinarian on the island. So, since I shared my worst experience getting through customs, what are your horror stories about trying to get through customs? If you don't have any about customs, tell me some random story.
35 comment

hey hey hey [09.07.12, 4p]

Well helllllo there. I am Chloe. Chloe Lancaster, and... well, this is me saying hello to everyone else out there. I just got here, and I am here to take care all your technological needs. That's right, I'm the newest nerd on your IT squad, so you got any issues with your wireless, your comps, hell even your smart-phones let me know and I can see what I can do.

Now, to hunt around this place to find an epic cup of coffee.
12 comment

[09.03.12, 12a]

Who: Cambrian and Jake
What: Dinner
When: Sunday evening
Where: The docks

The only thing that had kept her sane today was the Etta James station streaming from Pandora on her work computer. )
1 comment

[08.30.12, 11p]

Hey there everyone. I'm Cambrian Jones, originally from Melbourne. And if you're wondering, yes, my parents were big nerds and named me after the precambrian time period. I guess the name fits because I'm a little bit of a nerd myself; I was concerned when I thought Bill Nye the Science Guy had died, but, thankfully, it was a vicious rumor. Same thing with Bill Cosby - who has died about 4 times this year alone. Poor guy.

Anyway, I've been one of the physicians here for around three and a half years so I'm a little late with introducing myself. Sorry about that one. I wish I had something exciting or witty to offer up as an excuse, but I'm afraid that I've got nothing. How about you all all answer this question to make my introduction a little less lackluster: if you had to create a 3-act concert with any dead or alive singers/bands, who would they be?

Etta James
The Beatles
Lady GaGa (I know.)
23 comment

[08.26.12, 9p]

Hey everyone, I'm Zac, an accountant here at the resort. Yes, that is incredibly boring job, I know. I'm originally from Wisconsin, but have been in Australia for the past... I really don't know... five years? Maybe more, not something I really care to keep track of. Other than that... don't really have many more details to bore you with, so I'll ask a question instead. What is a feature of yourself that the opposite gender, or same gender, really likes that you find absolutely annoying about yourself? My dimples are my arch nemesis. I absolutely hate them and would love for them to just go away, but everyone else seems to love them. Gross.
175 comment

[08.22.12, 7p]

WHO: Karl & Jo
WHAT: Returning baking implements
WHERE: Jo's apartment
WHEN: August 21nd, 8:30 pm
STATUS: Incomplete

Rramekin(s) in hand.... )
14 comment

[08.09.12, 10p]

Who: Alex & Beck
What: Moving!
Where: Alex & Beck's apartments
When: Thursday night

Oh my Golden Goddesses Blanche, Sophia, Rose, and Dorothy, I am never moving again in my life. )
6 comment

[08.07.12, 9p]

Who: Kyle and Jacob
What: Jacob to the rescue
When: Wednesday morning
Where: In the water

It was almost impossible to stay moody on the gorgeous island, but Kyle somehow found a way. )
23 comment

customs for everyone! just ask [07.24.12, 10p]

Sabrina here! I like long walks on the beach, swimming after dark, and any drink that comes with an umbrella. I can teach you to Salsa, Waltz, even how to Hula. So tell me, when is the last time you danced like no one was watching? Or you can just say or show me something funny.
10 comment

[07.20.12, 12a]

[ mood | amused ]

Hello minions everyone. I'm Ben Dalton - Mr. Dalton to all of you - and I am the hotel manager. I won't list off my credentials, but suffice it to say, they're extensive. My standards are exceptionally high and I'm sure you all will have no trouble meeting them as the last fool hotel manager told me you were all "exceptional" people. And if you don't, I can't tell you how much I enjoy firing people. It's my favorite part of the job. That said, I look forward to meeting you all in-person sometime.

Private to Abby: Hello, darling.

13 comment

[07.19.12, 11p]

[ mood | excited ]

Hey Hot Legs-y people, I'm Alex and I'm awesome. You should pretty much just use my official title of Alex the Awesome.

There are a few things you need to know about me before we proceed.

1. To acquire one of these is a goal.
2. Also, I need to do this ASAP. Beckster, get ready. You're doing it with me, but don't expect me to clean up after myself.
3. Golden Girls is the most important thing in the entire world. Watch a spectacular compilation and if you still don't like the Golden Girls, you have no business addressing me or living in general.
4. I'm not going to even pretend that I don't like this song like those bros.
5. I want this. I MAY forgive #3 if you get me this book and buy me lots and lots of Jameson. If you people don't get that that's Seal the singer, we are done professionally and all that.

And that's it. Love you all long time.

70 comment

[07.15.12, 9p]

Who: Jasper and OPEN!
What: Out looking at the stars!
Where: Out on the beach
When: Sunday evening

While Jasper may have known a ridiculous amount of facts when it came to nature, he was actually pretty clueless when it came to the stars. )
6 comment

[07.15.12, 9p]

Who: Kyle and Bella
What: Bonding, bitching, and catching up
When: Sunday evening
Where: Staff Bar

The last few days had been more than an emotional whirlwind for Kyle. )
10 comment

[07.13.12, 6a]

Riiiight... so here's my obligatory attempt at trying this out.

I'm Cole. I'm a fitness instructor. So, probably, in most of your minds, I'm this guy:

funny gifs

Um, I teach kickboxing twice a week and I'm also available for personal training by appointment.

...this sounds a lot more like an ad than an introduction.

When I'm not working, I'm usually working out. On the beach, preferably. Or reading in my room.
What's the last really good book you've read?
70 comment

[07.13.12, 6a]

Who: Kyle and Jacob
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Staff apartments
What: When exes collide...

Australia was a breath of fresh air... )
24 comment

[07.13.12, 6a]

I'm Kyle. I'm a nurse practitioner. I like the Yankees, running, and being awesome. I will probably abhor a good portion of you and if people's possessions say anything, which they clearly do, I'm going to have a fucking field day with this roommate of mine, whoever she may be. If you scrape your knee, get yourself a bandaid. If you see bone jutting out through your skin, by all means, come down to the medical center. If you have the sniffles, drink some damn tea and take a multi-vitamin. If you're coughing up blood, maybe come see me. As you can see, I have little tolerance for hypochondriacs. If you're actually sick and ailing, I would be happy to help you. If not, use common sense, I beg of you.

Yeah, so. Let's have a drink.
69 comment

[07.13.12, 6a]

Helloooo everybody! I'm Jasper and I am so excited to get to know everybody better! I will try to make a point to say hi to everybody I can in person today, so if you see me (I'm the guy with the super big grin!) don't be afraid to give a huge wave. Or a high five! I love high fives! I've got a little sister here, Phoebe, and you should go ahead and give her a whole lot of high fives as well!

Did you know that approximately 200,000 camels roam Australia’s deserts, representing the largest herd of wild camels on Earth? Imagine all of those camels just strutting around the desert? And could you imagine having those camels here on this island? Do you think they'd want to stay in the guest rooms? Haha! They'd make such a mess, dragging that sand everywhere they went!
44 comment

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