Feb. 26th, 2009


FIC: Something Like Comparing Apples and Oranges... (George/Fred, R)

Title: Something Like Comparing Apples and Oranges, Except the Apples Are Peanut Butter and the Oranges Are Jelly and You're Not Bread
Author: [info]la_dissonance
Established pairing(s): George/Angelina
Infidelity pairing(s): George/Fred
Rating: R
Genre: Humorish
Word Count: 3000
Warnings: het, twincest, voyeurism
Summary: It was a stupid plan to begin with, and Angelina should have known better than to suggest it. But honestly, it's not her fault things went so spectacularly wrong. That was all the twins.
Notes: Written for the Fabulous No-Pressure Laissez-Faire Challenge, prompt 40: It wasn't going exactly to plan. Thanks to [info]juliandahling for the beta!

Something Like Comparing a grossly over-long title to a story that's not really even that funny )

Mods, could I pretty please have an author tag and some pairing tags? Thanks!


Challenge Fic: "Castration? Ha!" (Pansy/Draco, Draco/Harry, other pairings, see warnings, NC17)

Title: Castration? Ha!
Established pairing: Draco/Pansy. More or less.
Infidelity/other pairings: Draco/Harry, Pansy/Harry, Pansy/George
Rating: NC17
Warnings: aside from the obvious infidelity: some fooling with gender and identity (that is, gender, and also identity, not gender identity), dubious consent, and general trickery.
Genre: Hm. Suspense?
Words: 5550
Summary: Pansy finds Draco's letters and quickly hatches a plan. Getting to mess with Potter is a nice side bonus.
A/N: Written for the [info]hp_unfaithful no-pressure laissez faire challenge. The prompt I was working from was, a character feels guilty about being unfaithful. Their partner reacts in a surprising way. It …went a different direction than I initially had in mind, but it probably worked better anyway. Heh. Thanks to Leni Jess for the speedy beta.

November 2012




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