Jan. 15th, 2009


ART: Black (Narcissa/Bellatrix, NC-17)

Title: Black
Artist: [info]la_dissonance
Established pairing(s): Narcissa/Lucius
Infidelity pairing(s): Narcissa/Bellatrix
Rating: NC-17
Media: Opencanvas, tablet
Warnings: Some girly bits showing. Sketchyishness of the art. Narcissa may or may not be pregnant right now...
Notes: For the Fabulous No-Pressure Laissez-Faire HP_Unfaithful Challenge, with prompt #45, Any femslash pairing: "She devised a thousand excuses in her head: was it infidelity, anyway, without penetration?"

Black )

Jun. 5th, 2008


Art: "Surveillance" (Draco/Harry, Adult)

Title: Surveillance
"Artist": [info]florahart
Established pairing: Harry/Ginny, Draco/Asteria
Infidelity pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: Adult
Genre: Bad Art? So in that sense, crack, but otherwise, I suppose angst.
Warnings: No, really, if you haven't seen my art before, a lot of 11 year olds have better technique.
Summary: Draco wants things Asteria won't do.
Notes: Asteria/Astoria, depends where you look... Last warning regarding art quality.

Surveillance (NSFW, probably) )

Jun. 6th, 2008


ART: Handyman (Sirius/Lily), R

Title: Handyman
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Established pairing(s): James and Lily (implied)
Infidelity pairing(s): Sirius and Lily (subjects)
Rating: R
Genre: Ummmm... er. I don't know if this has a genre! Suggestions?
Art Media: Photoshop
Warnings: Well, infidelity, obviously ;). Pregnant girl parts. Cartoonish boobs. Quick and rough execution; unrefined.
Summary: James really should have stayed to help put the crib together, because it's all too clear to Lily that Sirius is not put off by the changes pregnancy has made to her body.
Notes: Man, how d'you show infidelity in one picture of two people, and not just "a pairing"? This is just a quickie drawn last night because the new asylum got me thinking :).

Bigger breasts. What's not to like? )

November 2012




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