Jun. 27th, 2011


Fic: In the Very End (This is Probably What Happened)

Title: In the Very End [This Is Probably What Happened…]
Author: [info]ensnarryed
Prompt: My own prompt
Rating: R.
Pairing(s): HP/SS Other pairings are: HP/GW, HG/RW, and some hints of JP/LP
Summary: Harry and Ginny are in St Mungo's. What is going on?
Warnings: depression, implied substance abuse, suicide, difficult topics
Word Count: ~17.6K
Author's Notes: Beta'd by me.
Disclaimer: HP and its characters are copyrighted to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros., as well as a few others who have the right to make money off of the HP trademark. I am not one of them, and am not making any money off of any of the HP likenesses.

In the Very End [This Is Probably What Happened…] @LJ