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Jul. 1st, 2011


Week One Round-up!!!!

Hello all! We've completed our first week of posting, so we're taking a day off to give people a chance to catch up on the awesome stuff posted so far. Here's the round-up for the first week!


Beyond Coarse Fingertips is Paradise by [ profile] aj_socks
Harry/Draco | PG
Summary: Draco has lived for two years with excruciating headaches, and the Healers just don't know what to do with him anymore. Luckily, he finds the cure in the unwelcome touch of Harry Potter.

In the Very End [This Is Probably What Happened…] by [info]ensnarryed
Harry/Severus | R
Summary: Harry and Ginny are in St Mungo's. What is going on?

Massage Therapy by [ profile] snarkyscorp
Harry/Scorpius | NC-17
Summary: When potion pills for Harry's recent injury are making him unbearable as Head Auror, Kingsley hires Healer Malfoy to work out the tension in Harry's muscles.

Solution by [ profile] naturegirlrocks
Harry/Draco | R
Summary: Harry has developed a resistance to his medi-potions. To prevent him having a breakdown his mind has to be turned off momentarily.


At My Fingertips by [ profile] moonlitdark
Albus Severus/Scorpius | G
Summary: Sight isn't needed to see what's important.

Healing Touch by [ profile] vividescent
Remus/Regulus | PG-13
Summary: Remus is reluctant to trust the Slytherin, but the concern in Regulus's eyes and his soothing touch brings out unexpectedly romantic feelings in Remus.

Jun. 30th, 2011


Art: At My Fingertips

Title: At My Fingertips
Artist: [info]moonlitdark
Prompt Number: #3 submitted by [info]reikokatsura.
Rating: G.
Pairing(s): Albus Severus/Scorpius.
Summary: Sight isn't needed to see what's important.
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Medium: Indian ink, tweaked and assembled digitally using Paint.
Artist's Notes: Hope you like it. :)
Disclaimer: Nothing Potterish belongs to me.

(At My Fingertips @LJ)

Jun. 29th, 2011


Fic: Massage Therapy

Title: Massage Therapy
Author: [info]snarkyscorp
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Scorpius
Summary: When potion pills for Harry's recent injury are making him unbearable as Head Auror, Kingsley hires Healer Malfoy to work out the tension in Harry's muscles.
Warnings: rimming, ADW: 47/21
Word Count: 4,500
Author's Notes: Some of Harry's character traits reverently borrowed from House MD and the story idea from [info]kitty_fic's suggestion of a "massage/rubdown" scene.
Thanks a billion to [info]auntypsycho for a wonderful beta and Britpick. Any remaining mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: All characters are property of Warner Bros. & JKR—I just love perverting them to suit my own needs. *G*

(Massage Therapy @ LJ)

Jun. 28th, 2011


Fic: Solution

Title: Solution
Author: [info]naturegirlrocks
Prompt Number: #23 for [info]dragongirl997
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry has developed a resistance to his medi-potions. To prevent him having a breakdown his mind has to be turned off momentarily.
Warnings: Blowjob
Word Count: 3400
Author's Notes: This didn't turn out like it was supposed to be, I'm sorry about that. And it's short, sigh...
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.

(Solution @LJ)

Jun. 27th, 2011


Fic: In the Very End (This is Probably What Happened)

Title: In the Very End [This Is Probably What Happened…]
Author: [info]ensnarryed
Prompt: My own prompt
Rating: R.
Pairing(s): HP/SS Other pairings are: HP/GW, HG/RW, and some hints of JP/LP
Summary: Harry and Ginny are in St Mungo's. What is going on?
Warnings: depression, implied substance abuse, suicide, difficult topics
Word Count: ~17.6K
Author's Notes: Beta'd by me.
Disclaimer: HP and its characters are copyrighted to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros., as well as a few others who have the right to make money off of the HP trademark. I am not one of them, and am not making any money off of any of the HP likenesses.

In the Very End [This Is Probably What Happened…] @LJ

Jun. 26th, 2011


Art: A Healing Touch

Title: Healing Touch
Artist: [info]vividescent
My own prompt: When Sirius and James find themselves quarantined in the infirmary for the week of the full moon, Sirius begs Regulus to help heal Remus's wounds with his healing potions every morning after.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Remus Lupin/Regulus Black
Summary: Remus is reluctant to trust the Slytherin, but the concern in Regulus's eyes and his soothing touch brings out unexpectedly romantic feelings in Remus.
Warnings: None.
Medium: Digital.
Disclaimer: All HP characters and concepts belong solely to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.

(Healing Touch @LJ)

Jun. 25th, 2011


Fic: Beyond Coarse Fingertips is Paradise

Title: Beyond Coarse Fingertips is Paradise
Author: [info]aj_socks
Prompt Number: #16 submitted by [info]demicus
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Draco has lived for two years with excruciating headaches, and the Healers just don't know what to do with him anymore. Luckily, he finds the cure in the unwelcome touch of Harry Potter.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2,524
Author's Notes: It ended up being pre-slash, so I'm sorry that there wasn't as much slashy goodness as there could have been, Demicus! I hope you will enjoy it anyhow =D
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.

(Beyond Coarse Fingertips is Paradise @LJ)

Jun. 17th, 2011


A Small Delay...

Hello all!

This is an announcement to let you know that we will be pushing back the posting date just a bit in order to accommodate some of the pinch hitters who have been so great to volunteer to help us, and to help us gather in a few more dangling fics. Posting will start on:

June 25


Jun. 7th, 2011


As you know, submissions are due in 4 DAYS, on JUNE 10!!!!. This is a reminder that all submissions need to be beta read and have the appropriate header at the top. Headers should be in the body of the attached story if you are doing fic, and should be in the body of the email if you are doing art.

If you are looking for betas: We had a couple of responses to our call for betas and you can find their contact information here (LJ) and here (IJ). Additionally, you can check out the LJ community hp-betas.

If you are looking for headers: Go here

Jun. 6th, 2011


It's Nearly That Time!!!!!

Hello participants!

Yes, that's right! Your submissions are due in 5 DAYS!!!!! We are expecting lots of wonderful submission cramming up our inbox ( on June 10! We are looking forward to it!

Your Mods!

May. 31st, 2011


Less than two weeks 'til submissions are due!!!!

Hello all participants! This is just a reminder that submissions are due in less than two weeks!!!

June 10!!!!!!!!!!!

Please either email us or comment on this post (comments are screened) to let us know how you're doing.

Early submissions make us happy happy mods. If there are any problems or if you require an extention, please tell us now, and we'll see what we can do. Submissions can be sent to All fic and are should have the appropriate headers.

We can't wait to read and see your submissions! *waves cheerleading pompoms and holds whip behind back*

May. 1st, 2011


Quick Check-in and Headers

Hello from your Mods! This is just a quick check-in since there is a little more than 1 month to go before fics and art are due! We hope you are getting along okay and are excited to see all the wonderful things you are coming up with. If you are in any way concerned about finishing, Please let us know!!! Requests for extensions need to be sent to hpdidimod [at] gmail [dot] com.

A quick reminder of various points:

1) Fic and art are due on June 10.
2) All submissions should be sent to the above email address and should come with the correct header information and should be properly coded with HTML. Fic headers should be at the top of their fic. Fics should come as an attachment. Art headers should be placed in a separate .RTF or .TXT file. Headers and art should come as attachments. Headers are below!
3) All fics must be beta-read for SPaG.

Don't forget that you can refer to the Rules & Guidelines if you have any questions. Additionally, we have screened the comments for this post, so feel free to ask questions here, as well.

for FIC with a claimed prompt:

for FIC with own idea used:

for ART with a claimed prompt:

for ART:


Apr. 2nd, 2011


Call for Betas

Hello all!

I hope that participants are doing well! We know that a couple of you are (or soon will be) at the point where you require a beta. We have a couple brand new authors (or brand new to HP authors) participating who aren't quite sure where to look. So, we are looking for some friendly betas who are willing to offer up their services. If you are willing to beta, please fill out the handy form below!

Participants: Please contact beta volunteers directly.

Feb. 21st, 2011


Assignments Sent!!!!


Thanks to all that have prompted and/or claimed! We have a total of 16 participants for our first year! I'd say that's a giant success! :D

I'm also pleased that most everyone got their first choice! 

If you haven't received an e-mail containing your assignment then please check your spam. You're looking for something with the subject "DIDI Assignment" and it's coming from

If you don't see it anywhere, then please comment below and let us know so that we can send it out to you as quickly as possible.

Your assignments are due June 10th and we'll be checking with you in the middle of the fest to see how you're doing.

As always, if you need to drop out then please let us know as soon as possible. If you have any questions than please let us know.

Thanks again! You guys are amazing!

Happy writing!

-Your Mods
[info]snugglemint , [info]fire_juggler and [info]reikokatsura 

Feb. 18th, 2011


Extended Claiming


The chance to claim has been extended by five days. If you'd like to claim one of the prompts available then you have until February 20th to make that decision. 

We have 10 participants right now and that's a really good number for our new fest, but I think we can get a few more. 

I'd like to point out a special portion of the form you fill out in the comments. We ask you to make three choices when claiming, but below that we ask for "Alternative: Own Idea." There you can make your own prompt, and as such do not need the prerequisite three prompt choices. 

Please make sure that your prompts do adhere to the guidelines surrounding the fest though or we'll have to reject your entry into the fest.

Please make your claims on the claiming post.

Thanks guys, your prompts will be sent out on February 21. 


Prompt Claiming is Open!

The time has come to claim your prompts!

And please pimp the claiming as well! Just copy and paste what's in the text box below!


Prompt Claiming Time!



o Claiming Closes: February 15th
o Assignments Sent: February 20-25th
o Assignments Due: June 10th
o Posting Begins: June 17th

Important Links:




You'll have to forgive us, it's a bit late... nearly a full day, but the important part is that it IS up! I can't tell you how excited we are! (And we hope you share in our enthusiasm.)

All you have to do is fill out the form below and then post it in a comment to this post. This isn't exactly an anonymous fest, but, for the sake of mystery, we're going to screen the comments anyway. 

We will be sending you an email containing your prompt and a few extra instructions/reminders anytime between Feb 20th and Feb 25th.  Please let us know that you've received your assignment and that you will be able to complete it. If you haven't seen your assignment by the 26th, please check your SPAM and TRASH folders. If it isn't there, then send us an e-mail and let us know. We'll get them out to you as quickly as possible.

Please pay special attention to items 6 (claiming a post) and 7 (submitting your work) on the Rules/Guideline page.

Few Key notes:
  • If you need to drop out for any reason, let us know ASAP!
  • Please give us three prompts you'd like to write for.
  • First come, first serve basis.
  • Know your limits and claim only what you are able to fulfill.
  • Minimum word count of 1,500 words - No maximum
  • Fic submissions must be beta read, rated, have proper HTML formatting, sent as a .TXT, .RTF, or .DOC file, and be a new piece of work.  (No prequels, sequels, or side stories.)
  • Art submissions can be single or multiple pieces, must be rated, new, properly labeled (for multiple pieces), and sent as .JPG or .GIF files. - No digital manipulations.
  • After your first claim is submitted and approved, you may claim a second if you wish.
  • Assignments are due by Midnight EST on June 10th.
  • Send your submissions to   Your subject should look like: “TITLE by YOUR USERNAME”
  • Fic headers are to be put at the top and your assignment sent as an attachment.
  • Art headers should come as a separate .RTF or .TXT file. Both header and assignment should be sent as an attachment

Please refer to the PROMPT PAGE for the individual prompts and their corresponding numbers.

Claiming Form:


Prompting Closed! Claiming to Begin Soon!

Prompting Closed!

Thank you to all who prompted. There are some awesome prompts submitted! Prompt claiming will start ASAP! For your reference, here are the submitted prompts for the DIDI Fest!

Remember that when you claim prompts, you will be asked for your top 3 picks. Prompts will be claimed on a first come first serve basis. Stay posted for the Claiming Post!

Onto the Prompts! )


Rules & Guidelines

 [info]hp_didi_fest  - A Harry Potter slash festival where fan-writers and fan-artists can come together and share their love of fics and art featuring characters suffering from, recovering from, dealing with, or simply living with Disfigurement, Injury, Disability, and/or Illness.


Please read these Rules & Guidelines carefully. )



Our Frequently Asked Qustions (F.A.Q) )

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