July 18th, 2011

[info]hp_didi_mod in [info]hp_didi_fest

Fic: Against Medi Wand Advice. . .

Title: Against Medi-Wand Advice...
Author: curiouslyfic
My own prompt: Draco. Albus. Hotel smut. Erectile dysfunction and hearing loss.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Albus Severus
Summary: Twelve days before his live-in's meant to have a bloody great showdown with the entirety of his profession, Albus Potter has an incident at work. It is incredibly ill-timed.
Warnings: rimming, soft-cock sex,
Word Count: ~6k
Author's Notes: Er. Third in the Draco/Albus series, I suppose. Vaysh11 posted a Harry/Draco prompt that had me researching nerve damage below the waist, which turned into erectile dysfunction, yay new kink. /o\ Then my porny Albus inspiration turned out to be deaf. IDEK, it seemed like a good idea. Thanks kitty and L for the help. <3
Disclaimer: Transformative work yay of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. No profit being made here, no offense intended.

(Fic: Against Medi-Wand Advice @ LJ)

[info]hp_didi_mod in [info]hp_didi_fest

Fic: Cold and Broken

Title: Cold and Broken
Author: [info]uniquepov
My own prompt: Survivor guilt can make surviving untenable.
Rating: R (see warnings)
Pairing(s): Harry gen (Harry/Draco pre-slash)
Warnings: angst, overt suicide attempts, canon character deaths.
Word Count: 1100+
Author's Notes: Title and lyrics from one of the best songs ever written, Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. Although I was listening to the kd lang version at the time. This is the first songfic I have ever attempted. Please be kind.
Disclaimer: We solemnly swear that we are up to no good. However, we promise to return everyone, good as new, when we’re done playing with them. We own nothing that you recognize, and we do not profit from any of it.

(Cold and Broken @LJ)