July 17th, 2011

[info]hp_didi_mod in [info]hp_didi_fest

Fic: Nothing is More Important Than You

Title: Nothing is More Important Than You
Author: [info]kitty_fic
My own prompt: Scorpius gets hurt on an Auror Training Mission. He attempts to hide his injury but Harry isn't having it.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Harry/Scorpius
Summary: What was supposed to be a routine check of Knockturn Alley with a group of Auror Trainees ended up as something much more dangerous. When Scorpius Malfoy gets hurt, Harry loses control.
Warnings: None (I don't get to write that word very often. lol)
Word Count: 1927
Author's Notes: Thank you [info]kinky_kneazle for the fantastic beta plus so much more! <3
All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.


Nothing is More Important Than You )