Apr. 2nd, 2008


Thy Inward Love, by Richard Lawson

Fandom: Ranma 1/2
Type: fanfic
Title: Thy Inward Love
Author: Richard Lawson
Pairings: Ranma Saotome/Akane Tendo, Tatewaki Kuno/Akane Tendo, Ukyo Kuonji/Ranma Saotome, Kodachi Kuno/Ranma Saotome, Shampoo/Ranma Saotome, Ryoga Hibiki/Akane Tendo, Ryoga Hibiki/Akari Unryu, Genma Saotome/Nodoka Saotome, Tatewaki Kuno/Nabiki Tendo, Dr. Tofu/Kasumi Tendo
Warnings/Rating: Some violence, minor character death... this series is likely suitable for teens, aside from the adult content side story.
Where to find more by this author: Sterman.org
Link: (see below for links to each part of this story-series)
Why should people click?

Richard Lawson writes long, beautiful stories. This lovely example is a continuation story based on the complete canon directly, and it grew into a rather complex and wonderful series resolving nearly all of the relationship tangles in Ranma 1/2, collectively known as Thy Inward Love.

click for links to read! )

Apr. 1st, 2008


Happiness Dojo, vid by West

Fandom: Ranma 1/2
Type: fanvid
Title: Happiness Dojo
Vidder: West
Musical artist: The Muppets
Pairings: Shampoo/Ranma Saotome, Ukyo Kuonji/Ranma Saotome, Akane Tendo/Ranma Saotome, Mousse/Shampoo, Tatewaki Kuno/pig-tailed girl, Ryouga Hibiki/Akane Tendo
Warnings/Rating: suitable for general audiences
Where to find more by this author: West's Anime Music Videos (most vids are down at the moment) and West's Happiness Dojo page at animemusicvideos.org, where you can actually download the vid, or West's vidder profile page at animemusicvideos.org
Link: West's Happiness Dojo
Why should people click?

Especially for US media fans who aren't used to seeing characters lip-synching along to a songvid's lyrics, this vid just rocks. Ranma's life at the Tendo Dojo is pretty much chaos all the time, and Nerima is pretty crazy, full of disorganized and barely managed chaos that somehow manages to stay interesting and move the plot along. For me, this vid captures that and more... it reminds me of the glorious disorganization of the original Muppet show and the utter fun of the first few Muppet movies. The Happiness Hotel is a low-rent haven that our heroes stay at briefly in The Great Muppet Caper, and I never seem to be able to keep from giggling to hear Muppet voices coming from Ranma 1/2 characters' mouths. Genma now sounds like Fozzie sometimes when I read the manga, which is really funny and very disturbing on some level!

"Somebody's checkin' in!"

"Somebody's checkin' in?!?"

"Hey, how're you guys fixin' to pay?"

"C... sneakin' out in the middle of the night."

If you've never downloaded Anime Music Videos (AMVs) from animemusicvideos.org before, I highly, highly recommend scrolling down to the "Things you need to know about the AMV -- Anime Music Video Archive" section in this LJ post by LJ user flummery, who explains the site and how to use it much more understandably than I can. This particular AMV is a 50.4MB AVI file, so it's rather inaccessible to dialup users, sorry. Anime vidders tend to make high-res files. The AMV site is huge, with an amazing collection of local and offsite links to vids, so even if you're not planning on watching this vid, I recommend setting up a membership there.


A Faint Hope, by Lara Bartram and Mike Loader

Fandom: Ranma 1/2 crossover with Star Wars: A New Hope
Type: Fanfiction
Title: A Faint Hope
Author: Lara Bartram and Mike Loader
Pairing: Akane Soro/Ranma Saotome, sort of...
Warnings/Rating: suitable for general audiences
Where to find more by this author: Lara's Fanfics
Link: A Faint Hope
Why should people click?

Because big governments and big rebellions never have only one operation going on at once...

(...and because you never in a million years would have imagined a workable Ranma 1/2 crossover with Star Wars, would you?)

more reasons people should click )