April 5th, 2008

[info]xtricks in [info]hidden_treasure

Torchwood April

*waves* I’m X-Tricks and I’ll be reccing Torchwood for the month of April.

So … Torchwood is a relatively young fandom, the show is just finishing up it’s second season (season finale is Friday!) but it’s a fast growing one. A spin-off of Doctor Who, it’s another of Russell T Davis’ signature productions and a show where ‘the slash is canon’. Unsurprisingly, therefore, it’s very much a slash heavy fandom. I, however, will be providing a variety of fics from slash to gen to het.

It’s intended for an adult audience and the episodes range from rather campy humor to pretty dark; sex, violence, shady morals and dodgy science abound. In the coming month, I’m going to introduce you all to what I feel to be some of the best writing in the fandom, as well as a few choice vids and meta. But first, let’s briefly visit our main cast. )
Enough of the dry stuff – here’s the fics for this week.

Note: my recs are not dependent on either canon or spoilers, so you will find stories that no longer follow canon, or that may spoil you for the show.

Fandom: Torchwood
Type: Gen, action adventure, pre-series
Title: Sic Transit Tempus
Author: Jadesfire
Pairing: none to various
Warnings/Rating: Adult in tone, there is no explicit sex but some violence
Where to find more by this author: http://www.whofic.com/viewuser.php?uid=3335
Link: http://www.whofic.com/series.php?seriesid=774
Why should people click? Jack Harkness has been a part of Torchwood for … quite a long time. What were some of the previous decades like for him? This story becomes jossed (non-canon) by the recent episode ‘Fragments’ but I don’t think that takes away from it at all. It's a wonderfully written, long series of stories set from the 1950's to the 1990's, with promises of more to come.

Fandom: Torchwood
Type: Gen, mostly
Title: Paramagnetic
Author: Fahye
Pairing: various
Warnings/Rating: Like Torchwood, the story is adult in tone and has moments of grimness
Where to find more by this author: http://mercurial-wit.livejournal.com/
Link: http://mercurial-wit.livejournal.com/36281.html
Why should people click? Beautiful and dark look at Torchwood and Jack's recruitment of the various members of his crew. Suzie is woven through the story and the author gives all the characters the respect they deserve.

Optional: extract )

Fandom: Torchwood
Type: gen, funny
Title: They Grip the Ground
Author: Giddy
Pairing: Jack/Ianto-ish
Warnings/Rating: none
Where to find more by this author: http://giddygeek.livejournal.com/profile?mode=full
Link: http://community.livejournal.com/tw_flashfic/9463.html
Why should people click? Because I've given two stories with some darker/sadder elements, this one is just plain funny. And fun! Watch Torchwood as they defend the earth against aliens whose names they can't pronounce!

And here's the team introduced with a nice mabo!
